i'm looking for information, resources, books, studies, anything having to do with survivors of sexual abuse by young people.
various studies report that 25-40% or more of sexual abuse is perpetrated by children and juveniles, yet all of the literature i have found deals primarily or exclusively with survivors of adult abusers. there is a tiny and growing body of literature (mostly from the UK) on treatment for young abusers (assumed in literature to be survivors of abuse by adults), but i have found literally nothing on treatment, outcomes, experiences, help, or anything for survivors of abuse by other children.
here is one article that discusses young abusers:
http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/OnlineResources/InformationBriefings/HarmfulBehaviour_asp_ifega26022.html notice the four-sentence section on "victims" that is all statistics and definitions. a few paragraphs above that, these sentences appear:
"Younger children also display sexually harmful behaviour (Araji, 1997) and a number of NSPCC projects report that the average age of referral has gone down from 17 to 12 years. Thirty-one per cent of those seen at the NSPCC Coventry project are under 10 years old. From 1999 to 2002, 30 per cent of the children or young people receiving a service from NSPCC Lincolnshire for this behaviour were aged under ten years."
i have never been sexually abused; my experience is based on thinking about, living with, and loving a survivor. and in my experience the effects on survivors, partners, family, etc, of abuse perpetrated by another child are distincly different from the effects of abuse by an adult. i'm so frustrated looking for resources and looking and looking and finding only obscurities and footnotes. of course every individual's experience is different, but i really want to find something that seems to apply and that validates my partner's experiences and mine. i'm not just looking for vaildation but also some insights, some words about how other people have dealt with life and how they have felt and how they have healed.
if you have any resources to recommend, please post a comment or email me at grekre at gmail dot com. feel free to pass on my info to others if you think they might want to email me. anonymous correspondence is welcome.
also, one resource that has been helpful to me is a book called Allies in Healing: A Support Book for Partners. it focuses on helping the reader (that is, the partner of a survivor) explore hir personal experiences dealing with the abuse history of hir partner. it's not perfect and that's not the point. it's been helpful to me and i recommend it to others.