Due to the nature and content of this game, we are choosing to remain anonymous. However, if you need to contact us, you may use one of the following methods:
Send an email to birdkeepermodsatgmail.com if you would like to ask a question, report a problem, or make a suggestion. Try to make your subject line relevant to your email, so we can categorize it properly.
Send a private message to this account,
birdkeepers, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
birdkeepers on Plurk to see announcements of day changes, events, and mod posts on your timeline. You can also send us a private Plurk to ask a question or three (we won't be following anyone, so don't expect us to reply to ordinary Plurks). If you don't use Plurk, don't worry; we won't be using it as our sole method of communication.
We do not use AIM; however, there is a semi-official game chat at bloodcarnival if you would like to meet and mingle with your fellow players. Although the mods won't be present, please be kind and respectful toward your fellow players. Any drama that is reported to us (with screencaps or chat logs) will be treated seriously.
Comments are screened on this post if you would like to use it to get in touch with us, but since we'll need to unscreen comments to reply to them it is the least secure method of communication. Comment here if you have a quick question to ask.
We will respond to all methods of communication as quickly as possible.