Title: Masters of War (Pegasus Rising Remix)
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Ensemble Atlantis team; members of many Pegasus Galaxy cultures
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4:02
Music: "Masters of War" by Bob Dylan (edited)
Summary: The Atlanteans came, they explored, they destroyed lives and families and whole civilizations. The people of Pegasus
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- picture, worth a thousand words
- music intensifies emotions
- the song is about and embedded in a real war
- fanvids are bouillon cubes. By which I mean: every clip in a vid references or evokes a whole scene or even episode. So, if you know the source, watching a vid with 100 clips is like seeing or at least thinking about 100 scenes. Yet it's all packed into 3 minutes, so it's like getting this jolt of condensed emotion, POW!
I see no indication that TPTB were ever self-aware enough to realize what they were showing. In my mind, the only reasonable way to end that trial episode was with sheafrotherdon's No Light and Transient Cause.
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