
Sep 20, 2007 15:03

my son has finally come home yesterday after three months in the hospital.

I feel particularly squicked about the circumstances of his extremely premature birth

Connor was born at 27 weeks. I had raging acute chorioamnitis, and chronic deciduitis, which caused my placenta to abrupt.

I had a very rapid labour, and I was given pitocin to speed things up even more as the baby was distressed. The doctors decided to go with a normal vaginal delivery, not a c-section. Just as the anaesthesiologist came in to do my epidural, an hour late, (there was only one on duty that afternoon) my labour progressed to stage 2 and the baby was born 7 minutes later :/

I was in all manner of hideous pain, the nurses could hear me screaming through the walls (I gave birth in the room next to the NICU), I'm just grateful my labour was short :( I think it was cruel to give me the pitocin without any pain relief except paracetamol. I had nurses holding me down and yelling at me to calm down, shut up and listen, yelling at me that I wasn't having a contraction and why am I screaming (the head was crowning at that point, which is why I was screaming)

I think what upset me the most was the giant audience I had, there was about twelve staff in there, and my mother and boyfriend. My son had a traumatic birth as the cord was wrapped around his neck, he has massive bruising and a bleed on his brain. I blame his very precarious start on the doctors not proceeding with the c-section against the advice of my midwives. His first days were excruciating as nobody was sure what would happen with his brain hemorrhage, I even had the specialist tell us to "think about our options" :(

I almost lost the pregnancy at ten weeks, I massively bled out but I was hospitalized for 12 hours, had a routine ultrasound and sent home. My whole medical care was totally botched. It has put me off having any more children.

However the care we got in the NICU was amazing and I have nothing bad to say about everyone involved.

apologies for the tl;dr :)
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