Run - Chapter 10

May 20, 2011 21:42

Author: geniebsmart
Title: Run
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None
Length: Chaptered
Summary: Five young men. A world of adversity. There is only one option left for them to take: run.
Author's Note: I'm back and ready to kick butt! :D Enjoy!

Yoochun and Junsu screamed when their hyung fell throught the wooden plank. The bridge swayed from all the commotion, desperately trying to hold whateverwas left of it together. The dirtied gentleman frantically reached out hishand to grab his soulmate, but the dirtied angel had disappeared from his sight.

"NO! Hyung!"

Yoochun had never felt so beaten in his life. He just lost a dear brother and frind right before his very eyes. I could have saved him too. He was right within my grasp! Yoochun clenched his fist with rage.

Rage at the ones who made them run in the first place.
Rage at the ones who made such a flimsy bridge.
Rage at himself for not being able to save his own brother.

Yoochun gave a furious yell at the sky. When all his emotions were released in the air, he hung his head down, and his shoulders started to shake. Junsu watched it all. He thought if Yoochun felt bad, he feels awful! He couldn't do anything. He was completely out of reach from where Jaejoong plummeted to his death. No, he can't be dead. He just CAN'T be. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment now. "Jaejoong, why? Why did you have to go like this?" Junsu asked with a quivering voice. "It isn't fair!"

"YAH! What's unfair is that I have to hang here listening to you guys' crying."

Yoochun and Junsu jolted with surprise. Did they just hear Jaejoong's voice? It couldn't be...

"WAH! Our hyung is back to haunt us! >D"
"Junsu, I'll haunt you for real if I actually die! I'm down here!"

The dirtied gentleman and the dolphin quickly peered down at where their beloved hyung had taken an unfortunate fall. Though they could hear him, they couldn't see him.

Well...they didn't see anything except a pair of hands, holding onto a piece of rope for dear life. "Hyung!" Yoochun and Junsu rushed (well, as much rushing you can do on a narrow bridge) to where Jaejoong fell and looked through the hole. Now, they could see Jaejoong, pale-faced and all.

The dongsaengs breathed a heavy sigh of relief. There must be a God.

"Yah! Are you guys just going to stare? Help me up!"


If there must be a God, there must be a devil too...
...and Yunho was looking at one.

"Well, Mr. Jung. Have you made your decision yet? I wouldn't waste time thinking of an escape plan. I have already contacted headquarters for back-up. You guys don't stand a chance of making it out alive by running away."

The man in black had one thing right. Mr. Jung was thinking of an escape plan. He thought of every possibility of getting Changmin away from him and running away, but the end result was always the same: death. That was another thing the "devil" was right about.

However, the devil forgot to make notice of another factor.

Changmin was thinking too.

"Excuse me. I know you don't want me to get away and all, but your chokehold on me is making it hard for me to breathe. Do you mind loosen your grip, please?"

Changmin's captor glared down at him. "I'm not stupid, Mr. Shim. The moment I loosen my grip on you, you are going to try something stupid."

The maknae stared up at him with innocent, round eyes. "No, I wouldn't. I would never try anything of idiotic nature. As a matter of fact, if it makes you feel better, you can tie me up. Hands and feet. actually have a hold on me now. To tie me up, you have to let go of me, and I know how much you want to hold me close to you. I can't help but be so cute afterall. However, point is, why don't you get one of your goons to come over and tie me up, and you could still hold me as much as you want." Changmin ended his modest proposal by batting his eyelashes.

The captor could not help but to have his eyebrow twitch a few times at what Mr. Shim just said. On the other hand, he made sense. If he let go of Changmin, he would definitely run away...

"Yah! B4! Come here and tie this brat's hands together."

The one called B4 ran over to where his leader and the hostage were. He put away his firearm and took out his handcuffs. Changmin noticed the bondage device immediately. "Woah woah woah! I said tie me up, not handcuff me. There's a difference. Besides, I know how to get out of handcuffs. They're too easy."

B4 looked at his leader, waiting for further orders. The devil leader looked at Changmin with suspicion. With hesitation, he said, "Find some rope and "tie" hands down." B4 put away the handcuffs and took out the rope instead.

All the while, Yunho had his head tilted to the side, curious of the scene before him. Changmin, what are you up to?

pairing: general, rating: pg-13, genre: suspense, length: chaptered, title: run, genre: adventure, author: g

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