Title: I Thought This Only Happened in the Movies
biruuuPairings: One-sided Rachel/Quinn, one-sided Finn/Puck
Words: 6358
Spoilers: Takes place roughly around 1x08 "Mash-Up".
Summary: The night before her birthday, Rachel makes a wish that could potentially turn her life upside down.
Notes: Written for the
gleefics Birthday Contest. Huge thanks to
unequivocally and
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Comments 32
Congrats on completing it!
Remember what I told you about closing your legs? PLEASE DO IT.
This still remains my favorite line, I love, love, love Rachel/Finn friendship, especially when they're being so silly and goofy as such. Fantastic job, dear and I'm so sorry I was such a crap beta! Haha<333
No way, you were an awesome beta. I still can't believe how lucky I got :D Once again, thank you so much ♥
I was a little worried about the pronouns and the how-to-refer-to-body-parts issue (like, should I say "Finn's eyes" when they're really Rachel's? and stuff like that). I didn't know whether it was going to be too confusing or not, so I'm really glad that it worked for you.
It was funny and hot and a little bittersweet, too
Funny and bittersweet was what I tried to aim for, so again, I'm happy that you saw it that way too.
Seriously, this is such a nice comment, I want to frame it and show it to my mom or something, lol
Thank you so much :'D
The second time Rachel got caught trying to get into the ladies’ room by mistake, they sent her to an emergency meeting with Ms. Pillsbury, who handed her a brochure with the words “To Penis Or Not To Penis: A Guide For Sexually Confused Teenagers” written on the front. She happened to find it extremely informative.
perfect. i love when emma's crazy brochures are included.
“Today is a very special day, and I have something to say to all of you, my felonious glee clubbers...”
i seriously busted up laughing here
When he started to feel the urge to run his hands through Puck’s mohawk, he decided that it wasn’t like he wanted to touch the guy’s dick, so no gay there. He lifted one hand from where it was resting on Puck’s hip and touched it.
fjkldshagjkhyauigjdklsafiosaj *ded* ngl, big fuck shipper here.
so great job, thank you for sharing! :D
Thank you for taking the time to comment, I'm really glad that you liked it :)
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