So I signed up for
cliche_bingo because clearly I'm a masochist. I kind of like the look of my card but I'm not sure what I'm going to write or even which bingo I'm going to try for.
So far the only things I can think are that I kind of want to write Bobby Singer doing his taxes or maybe something different like Uther collecting taxes in Merlin or something. And the age regression one has me thinking about my favourite age regression story the Angel episode Spin the Bottle, which I loved mainly for the young!Wes and young!Cordy and Angel saying everything was the devil.
At least the stories only have to be 500 words.
Comment and I will give you 3 fandoms and then you have to answer these questions.
sunny_serenity picked some fandoms for me to do this meme forever and an age ago.
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
I kept hearing things about it on lj and I knew Anthony Stewart Head was in it and that two of the main actors were Irish so I figured I'd give it a go.
2. Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I don't know it's pretty early days. But that being said I tend to stay fairly faithful to things I love, while I might not be actively participating I could still be reading and rewatching.
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Lancelot, The Beginning of the End, To Kill the King.
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
A little, I've made some icons that I haven't posted yet and I wrote some tiny bits of fanfiction.
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Absolutely, the show is fun and funny, it's got pretty people and the fandom needs some more het shippers, the world needs more Arthur/Morgana love.
Lord of the Rings
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Okay some honesty, I read Fellowship of the Ring when I was 12 or I tried to read it, somehow I never could make it past the barrow downs, which sucks because after that the good stuff really starts. Anyway then my brother and I went to see the movie and I fell hard, I read the books pretty much straight after that and have read them at least once a year since.
2. Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I don't know how active I've been in fandom but I'm pretty sure I'll be forcing any future kids and grandkids to read the books and watch the movies.
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
This is hard, I suppose Return of the King is my favourite of the books, although my two favourite characters are introduced in The Two Towers, but Return is special. That being said I think that Fellowship might be my favourite movie, it blew me away from the very beginning, I loved all the Concerning Hobbits bits, The Shire was so beautiful as were the Mines of Moria, Gandalf versus the Balrog was amazing and Boromir's death, ahh I can't even, Sean Bean and Viggo were amazing.
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
I've made some icons and a few other graphics.
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
I think they're are probably enough :P I don't know. It has kind of calmed down a bit since after the movies came out, but when The Hobbit's done it'll probably explode again, if The Hobbit is good.
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Watching it on tv, we got it about a year after it showed in the US so Buffy was always the same age as me.
2. Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
No one ever forgets their first love, right?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
the obvious ones,
Restless, Hush, Once More With Feeling, Becoming One and Two, The Gift, Chosen, Superstar, Fool For Love.
I maybe alone but I love the Xander centred episodes,
The Zeppo, Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered, Go Fish
AN Other,
Nightmares, Prophecy Girl, Halloween, Passion, Band Candy, Homecoming, Earshot, New Moon Rising (apart from The Body, the episode that will have me in floods of tears), Selfless, Storyteller.
Books, I love the Tales of the Slayers books, I love reading about other slayers and they never have the problem I have with some of the Buffy books where I can't believe they fit within canon. So ditto that on the comics. I like the book about Oz after left too, I think it was called Into the Wild.
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
I make graphics and have written some fanfiction, mainly for
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Sure but I think there are plenty of people who love the show, or just love Joss or both.
If you want to play let me know in comments.
I've been making some icons such as the one on this post hopefully I'll have some to post soon.