for nobody, but left on his desk:
- Larxene's letter, torn to shreds.
For Zexion
- A note with directions to a secret compartment in his dungeon cell. Must play a flower-rearranging mini-game to get in. MATCH THE FLOWERS TO THE VASES.
- A plant for the labs. It is constantly flowering and nothing will seem to kill it :(
- Marluxia Secret Reports
1 &
2and all other analytical data he has gathered.
- A note:
"Strange, how when I look over things, I still see so few I can trust. Even you, I doubt. Nevertheless, while I fear you would sell me out in an instant should you leave this place and find the Superior once more ... in place, if he is not, I hope that you will continue to support me in my endeavours. With such in mind, I leave you what notes I have managed to form on this place. They are paltry compared to your own, doubtless; your analysis and mine have ever differed. But even if they but support your own data -- or are dismissable disagreements -- they show a process over the years of staying here. I have not much to leave behind me.
I have also taken the liberty of borrowing Lexaeus to carry what I can take with me, and to support me as I establish myself. I hope that you will not miss him too dearly, but the situation fell out so that he seemed... able to come in a way that no others seemed to when I tried to raise the subject to them; the words would not even leave my mouth to any others. This place is so very... well. At any rate, I'll doubtless be requiring his services for a while.
- Another note, appended to this, in Lexaeus's handwriting:
It seems it is my time to leave. Marluxia has requested my assistance and while I can imagine better things, he is likely to veer far from our intended goals unless there is a hand to quietly guide him. And so I go. If you cannot follow -- as Marluxia claims you cannot, dubious as that claim is -- I trust you will continue to research the unique situation in this closed environment.
Beyond that, there is little to say that we have not already said before.
I took little with me. I left behind my new manga series, as they are likely to be heavy. Please divide them equally between Gokudera and Ikki. However, please understand my meaning for this: for one series, Gokudera is to receive all evenly numbered volumes while Ikki receives the odd numbers, while for another series, Gokudera is to receive all odd numbered volumes while Ikki receives the even. Also, if it is not too troublesome, it would be good if you could host a campfire for the cave and treehouse residents. I had promised to do so with the firewood I chopped.
I also took out the garbage. I believe that is the last of my unfinished business here.
- Lexaeus."
For Vexen and Axel
- A note FOR AXEL:
"We have had our differences over the years, but in many ways we are still in the same boat. I have considered long and hard who to leave a certain item to, and although you are -- without a doubt -- a useless traitor, still, our hopes often lie on you and Roxas. Please come to [location]. There is an envelope on a tree for you there. It is somewhat safer than leaving the same to you openly here."
- A note FOR VEXEN:
"There is no getting around it: You are a loathesome worthless excuse for a nobody. But despite my beliefs on the matter... even I must admit you have one of the most keen analytical minds I have encountered. As such, I have left you something important to analyse. But it is not safe to leave it to you openly here -- not with others, such as Axel, around. Instead, please go to [location]. There is an envelope on a tree for you there."
- There totally is an envelope attached to a tree in both cases! They are different trees -- near each other, but separated enough by foliage and bushes that neither tree is visible to the other. BUT. IN FRONT OF BOTH TREES. CAREFULLY COVERED, IS A PITFALL. And believe you me, Marluxia can cover a pitfall more effectively than anyone else. (In the actual envelope is a pair of panties :()
- The pitfall leads to the same, well, pit.
- Marluxia's ULTIMATE HOPE is that Vexen and Axel get there at the same time and end up in the pitfall together. If not, I mean, you still probably will fall (even if you won't be there for long, lolol gravity, pfffft). But DO you? It's up to you. BUT A MAN CAN DREAM :(
For Delita
- A bouqet of flowers, covering some mosfungus. No notes.
For Namine
-A red rose, blooming. Attached to the stem is a note. It reads: "Promises to keep." There are no other notes. The rose will survive about a month and a half without changing, until it will seem to be unkillable, then slowly fade into decay over the course of a week.
For Sora
A flower the exact same shade as his garter had been. :( And a note:
"Please remember us, Sora -- Keyblade Master. I am out of colourful lies and pleasant falsities. If you leave and find me still present in that and not returned to nonexistance, aid me; if you leave and I am gone and the survivors are fading, help them to live. A request is all that is left when forceful desires have been swept aside and returned to nothing."