Mafi's welcoming.

Jul 07, 2006 18:05

So I got bored again...not that I haven't done anything today, cos I have! California here we come!

MAFI: Hello Eddie-baby!

ED: Hands...

MAFI: Yes...If you could stop looking at your hands and pay attention to me for a moment?

MAFI: Much better!

MAFI: As you're probably aware, we have a little problem on our hands...An interloper!

MAFI: Yes, you may well look surprised and somewhat badly lit...

MAFI: I want you to bring her before me! Before Roxy or the dippy one gets here!

MAFI: Wow...good job!

MAFI: How shall I welcome our new arrival?

MAFI: There's never any matches around when you need them...although I can see a vast supply of vodka...

MAFI: ARGH!! Where did you come from?

MAFI: I'm surprised you dare to show your face?
MAFI: Yep...see what I'm sitting on?
FRANKIE: Uh huh.
MAFI: I hear you're being replaced, Sugar.


MAFI: I was just starting to like you...Tell you what...

MAFI: You keep quiet about this to Roxy and I'll help take out the competition...if you know what I'm saying?

FRANKIE: You'd do that for me?
MAFI: Sure! Now pass me those scissors and stand back.

MAFI: Ahh these are no good.

FRANKIE: What are you trying to do?
MAFI: Its ok..Take a seat and keep lookout for me.

MAFI: Lets see how pretty the new girl looks with a hole in her freakin' head!!

MAFI: Be a dear Eddie baby and pass me the drill?

Ed: This drill is bigger than you are...I don't want my wife to kill me when she gets in so, sorry, NO you can't destroy the new girl for your own means!

MAFI: Can't blame a girl for trying?
FRANKIE: I can't believe you! I'm telling Roxy, you were mean to me!
MAFI (to Ed): See what I have to put up with? This is your fault Android.
ED: I am NOT an android.
MAFI: Tell someone who cares!
ED: I found your gun remember!
MAFI: Uhh...I lost it again! Be a doll?
ED: *grumbles and walks off in search of gun*
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