1. Cigarettes: Smoke and DIE!!
2. Sex: Sara?
3. Relationships: Fraught with peril at every corner.
4. Your Last Ex: Still married to her.
5. Power rangers: YOU MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS!! Yeah I watched it.
6.Weed: Stinks.
7. Crack: Habit
8. Food: Sex
9. The President: Pales in comparison.
10. War: Huh yeah what is it good for absolutely nothing...say it again y'all.
11. Cars: Brum brum
12. Gas Prices: Hahaha you yanks don't know gas prices!
13. Halloween: Sara
14. Bon Jovi: A bottle of vodka still lodged in my hand, some blonde gave me nightmares I think that she's still in my bed as I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead.
15. Religion: Every waking hour trying to keep a hold on you and I don't know if I can do it...Oh no I've said too much, I haven't said enough... Religion is a weird subject for me. If you're really that bothered go ahead and ask...don't worry I'm not a scientologist.
16. MySpace: place I don't go often?
17. Worst fear:
18. Marriage: Well, Sara should be on her 4th by the time she's 30 (so she says) and as for me, no I only have one more after this one, but I haven't told her yet.
19. Paris Hilton: Who?
20. Brunettes: SEXY
21. Redheads: TRES SEXY
22: Politics: One day you'll all cower before your Queen. I mean. Pro-Environment/Internationalist/Socialist/Idealist/Anti far right/ Pro-Monarchy+Czarist state. Want world nation. World Police, why? Cos f**k terrorism that's why. No UN or body which excludes any country. Anti corruption. Anti-lazy ass people who can work but don't and sponge off the state.
23: Pass the time: Sara
24. One night stands: Only when roleplaying?
25: Cell Phone: Sure, call me, I need allies.
26: Pet Peeves: messy house.
27: Pixie Stix: What is a pixie stick?
28: Vanilla Ice cream: Kinda plain.
29: Porta Potties: If you gotta go
30: High school: Don't need to talk about anymore. It is over!!
31. Pajamas: Sexy
32. Wood: Good morning?
33. Wet Socks: footy
34. Pictures: Yes have some.
35. Your first love: Married her. Cos I really am that special.