Name: Gara
Age: 18-ish
Height: Tallish
Medical Info: A healthy young man in good physical shape.
Physical traits: Long dark hair and red eyes, as well as a mess of scars all over--most of these are hidden by his clothes (he subscribes to the leather-n-belts school of fashion), though that's less out of embarrassment and more out of the practicality of keeping himself covered in case of a fight. As mentioned before, very physically fit--he's a fighter!
Notes for the Psychics: Kind of your typical ANGRY ARROGANT GUY on the surface level; dig a little deeper and you'll find a deep and abiding loyalty to his King, Koutake Haruki, of the sort that one gladly and unquestioningly kills for. Also, as a Bishop, Gara knows more about the general history and makeup of di[e]ce than most of the other Players, but really what matters is that he is like Haruki Haruki Haruki must protect Haruki must make sure Haruki wins di[e]ce at all costs
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: yes/no/absolutely--he will react angrily, but he's not the kind of hair trigger guy that would try to kill you for that. He'd bluster and shout and try to pick a real fight, but it's cool. :B (I reserve the right to dodge if it feels more right with the flow of the thread.)
Maim/Murder/Death: I am all up for Gara getting into fights, and even fights he won't win/get kicked around in! No serious maiming-type injuries unless we talk about it first, and I'd rather avoid death for him unless I've checked with Haruki first.
Cooking: Nnnnnooooo, but he's very picky about the food that Haruki eats. IT HAS TO BE HEALTHY. 8|