Week 199: Voting

Jul 06, 2008 22:19

To vote, reply normally to this screened post with the numbers of your three favorite icons in order of preference, as well as one vote for the special category of Best Cropping. The special category vote may NOT be for an icon for which you have already voted. If it is, your entire vote will be discarded. You do not have to vote for an icon for the special category. If you wish to re-vote at any point, please indicate that you are re-voting in the new comment, but do not delete the old one. Your first choice will receive three points, your second two, and your third one. Your vote for the special category will earn that icon one point.

Your votes should look like this;
09, 21, 02



♥ You can see the themes at the submission post here.
♥ Please base your votes on the merits of icons themselves, and not the characters in the icons or by the icon maker you think made the icon.
♥ You may vote for your own icon as long as you truly think it is deserving.
♥ Do not vote for any icon more than once. Doing so will cause your entire vote to be discarded.
♥ Voting will conclude on Tuesday, July 8 at 9:00 PM EDT.


     #08  REPEAT


Good luck!

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