So... yeah, it made by me ^___^ This time I want to make it a preview, not full version, because I want to know what should I add/fix so the full version song will become better :3
Okay here it goes then XD Please prepare cotton buds to protect your ears XD
Click to view
Then I'll copy-paste from my Youtube channel:
Since it's just a preview, please comment and give me advice to make the full version better. Points I'll fix in full version:
1. Fix the sound, it keeps become lower except Jonghyun's cover one (Especially Taemin, the one at 48s)
2. Fix the sound at Reffrain.
3. Full version will have the REAL background key as in real music.
4. Full version will include LEN and Gakupo! \\ (^___^) //
Please comment what should I fix/add next to the full version 8D