[ooc: backdated to a little while after
this entry.]
[In person, but also filtered to all passengers who'll be joining in the search later.]
[urgently, looking around at everyone who's gathered and secretly is unsettled by the fact that Oliver hasn't shown up yet.] All right, sorry everyone, but those of us here can't wait any longer.
Now. A ship this size is going to need an awfully big section devoted just to the engineering end of operations, so there's going to be the potential of getting lost in there. I've got some markers here for some of the teams here [points to a handful left on the floor], but you lot who haven't arrived yet should bring something to mark where you've been as well.
Orion's message, he said we should be able to find our way to the right area easy enough, but if you know your ships--and I do--it's not going to be as simple as that. We have to find the right door to even get access to the main engine control room. But Orion was useful for something since he gave us the passcodes we can use--just didn't tell us which one, so we going to have to try them all out and hope we don't get locked out of the system. That's a risk we're going to have to take.
I don't know about you, but when the right door is found, we shouldn't let Ganymede know or else he'll come running and try to put a stop to this. [hopes to find the man before this can happen.] So to get around any nosy captains, when you do find the door, use Klavier's suggestion and announce it over the Spheres, but say "I've hit my elbow on the door!" From there, we'll locate you and see about shutting down those engines.
All right, enough talk! Those of you who are still on your way, please be careful. And that goes for all of you as well. [eyes everyone in front of him, his expression serious.]
Now...allons-y! [points towards the door Ganymede had disappeared into.]
[/filter to everyone]
[filter to Oliver]
Oliver, where are you? It doesn't take that long to get from the cinema to the transportation pads. [a little fear slips into his voice and he can almost feel another wave of time sickness coming on. he fights to push that feeling away.]