Word Count - 560
Rating - PG
He wouldn’t have bought her here if he’d know what would happen, if he’d realised just how much the conversation had changed her. He’d had no idea, not during any of his late night visits to the basement to check on her, to make sure she was still alive and not in too much pain. She seemed more or less like the old Lisa then, despite the machinery she was hooked up to and the metal that encased a large proportion of her body. She was optimistic then, and able to help Ianto make the decision of exactly what they should do next, of who they should go to. She was Lisa.
Clearly the drugs and the conversion unit were keeping her stable, human, but as soon as Dr Tanizaki had done his work, made it so that Lisa could live away from the unit everything changed. Ianto didn’t notice at first, or more likely didn’t want to notice. All he cared about was the woman he loved being alive again, really alive. He kidded himself that she didn’t know what she was doing or saying, when he found the partially converted body. Told himself that she just needed time to adjust, needed help to remember what it was to be fully human again. She was confused that was all, she didn’t mean the things she was saying, she couldn’t. He convinced himself that everything would be okay because that was what he had to believe, he’d gone to all this trouble, kept her hidden for months because he loved her, he couldn’t just give up, not when he was so close.
He should have known when she attempted to convert Gwen, to improve her that it wasn’t Lisa anymore, just her body with the mind of a cyberman intent on rebuilding the army, endangering the whole team. But still he argued even with a gun pointed at his head. There had to be way to save her. This was Torchwood, they had access to all sorts of alien technology, something had to be able to undo the conversion, and God knows it owed him after what it had done to Lisa.
He felt his heart break the moment he realised Jack was right, that there really was no saving her. She’d transplanted her own brain into the body of the pizza delivery girl, something that should have made her human again and yet still she talked about upgrades, spoke like a cyberman even after everything she’d said about loving him, about wanting to be with him. He knew then that there really was no hope that he could ever get his Lisa back, he would have pulled the trigger as Jack had ordered him to do, but it was too late the rest of the team were already pumping bullets into her body.
Everything was different for a while, he didn’t lose his job as he expected to, he’d almost killed the whole of Torchwood Three after all, almost allowed the cybermen to rebuild their army and yet they’d let him stay. Something he never quite understood.
He wouldn’t have done it if he’d known what was going to happen, or least that’s what he tells himself, but deep down he knows he would have, because maybe there was a way, he just never quite managed to find it.