For theatrical_muse, Do you believe in ghosts?

Mar 09, 2007 17:09

Rating G
Word Count 210

People believe in ghosts because they need too. That’s why the cybermen were able to infiltrate Earth so easily. Everyone’s lost somebody after all, it’s the perfect disguise. Not even the staff at Torchwood One ever questioned anything, they just helped them to get into people’s homes, into their lives.

It was something Ianto didn’t like to think about, ghosts. He’d seen too much at Torchwood to think ghosts could be anything but bad news, he’d seen the effect the Ghost Machine had had on Owen and Gwen, they’d made them both do stupid things, even if they weren’t strictly speaking real ghosts, but then who was to say what made a ghost a real or not? He’d been visited by Lisa long after her death, yet another ghost intent on destroying the Earth just like the cybermen. The others had seen ghosts too, ghosts of whatever they loved the most, because that was the one thing that could make you do anything, no matter how dangerous wasn’t it? They’d realised Abandon because they’d made to think it would change things, bring these back they’d believed it because they wanted to.

Ianto Jones can’t let himself believe in ghosts, because if he does it’s entirely possible the world will end.
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