"your soul is an apppaling dump heap, overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots
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and the storm subsides. It is replaced with an uneasy calm that is cold and dark.
moments of being curled up, tears streaming down my face and pain tearing through my mind, heart, soul and body subside and I am numb. The tears hurt more than the pain, and only made things worse.
I'm floating, like these red letters on this black page. the letters never touch eachother, nor do they touch the sides of the page. I am like that, floating on a black page with no where to run to and hide
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jacenx.deviantart.com you must visit. Jacen's work is really great and different from what i've heard before. He is a cool kid who was in choir with me last year and has become a friend.
So, I insist you visit and read his stuff, it is worth it.