name/age/sex/location: Shereen/16/Female/Vegas
sexual preference: (if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend post a picture.) Straight.
10+ bands: Megadeth. Mindless Self Indulgence, Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Danzig, KISS, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, KISS, Children Of Bodom. yeah.
4 movies: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Requiem for a Dream, Spun, Crybaby.
pick your favorite mod and tell us why: I don't know any of them... but
is really hot.
pick the hottest member (username, picture, or both):
pick the ugliest member (username, picture, or both):
She's not ugly, but that picture isn't very flattering.
put a banner in your userinfo&promote to one friend: and 6+ CLEAR pictures:
excuse the fading hair and wierd face, I am running very low on picture selection, because I am not on my computer.
150x200 for member's page: (if you don't know how to resize a a picture we'll do it for you.) Being that I am trapped in Michigan for the next two weeks... I don't have anything to resize pictures on. Sorry. :o) friends?