[x] First Name & Nicknames: Katrina, most people just call me Kat, Kitty (ick, pet names) and/or [k] which i use mostly as a signature for my artwork
[x] Age: 17
[x] Location: snowed in in pennsylvania, USA (for now)
[x] Gender: Violent Femme
[x] Sexual Preference: Bisexual, though im much more picky with men than women. i can be quite a bitch either way though.
[x] Marital Status: on- off relationship for about 20 months now
[x] Capital Punishment: personally, like abortion, i think it depends on the situation... 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' has been said over and over again.. but in cases that are simply astounding as to how a human could physically stir up so much trouble and pain for so many families, like serial killers, i find it better to NOT have the country pay taxes so they can waste away humanely in a prison when they should know and meet their fate in the tragic and dreadful ways that their victims have
[x] Drugs/alcohol/unprotected sex:
drugs- i've known quite a few people who have done drugs steadily, and on and off i've had experiences with them, then went completely clean after watching my friend die in a hospital overdosing... its something tragic that leads to such rationalizations, though for the best in the long run. i could have been there next to him and i learned so much because of everything he and his family went through, of course he'll be missed, but now i'm well aware of the drastic problems of the lifestyle.
alcohol- i've grown up in an alcoholic household, and it's always around me.. my father being a bar tender, we have our own fully stocked bar in the basement, sure i drink. but that doesnt in any means say that i get drunk constantly, i know my limits and as a person, i wouldnt want to see myself waste away dependant on substances. alcohol is fine here and there, but in excess it becomes a problem
unprotected sex- obviously, when people fall in love, and in some cases... not so much, they have the ability to make their own choices, whether it be have children, or something else, it is up to them as a couple to chose whether or not to wear a condom. if they do, power to them, if not, well then good luck. i dont think i should be one to say whether or not you should or shouldnt have sex, because anyone will do what they want anyways. i just personally think it best to trust your instincts and be smart about it.
[x] Homosexuality: obviously i dont have a problem with being who you are and what you are attracted to shouldnt be anything that people look at you differently for, however, it annoys the piss out of me when people are so closeminded in society about homosexuality, open your eyes and learn people.
[x] Food(s): mmmm chicken alfredo <3
[x] Movie(s): the crow, underworld, gone in 60 seconds, edward scissorhands, slc punk, tons of other ones as well
[x] Book(s): anything written by stephen king or james patterson, adore them both
[x] Five Songs & Artists:
depeche mode- i want you now
KMFDM- megalomaniac
Nightwish- i wish i had an angel
eels- i like birds (haha, great song)
acid bath- what colour is deathdepeche mode- i want you now
[x] Place: the lookout over the river near my house, it's gorgeous at sunset, and great to watch the stars afterwards.
[x] Genre(s) of Music: industrial, techno, indie, experimental, noise, alt rock ect...
[x] Celebrity: not one in particular, johnny depp = gorgeous of course
[x] Least Favorite Movie: *shrug* cabin fever *snore* tres tres lame.
[x] Least Favorite Music Artist: i am pretty open to all types of music. though, i loathe any boy band. you aren't attractive, you cant sing, you cant dance, and no, i do NOT want to see you stand in a giant shower while you're wearing silky white shirts. that's creepy, not attractive.
[x] Least Favorite Food: clams, i cant take the texture... *shiver* cant physically eat them
[x] Least Favorite Place: bake sales. because they all smell good, and i seriously shouldn't be pigging out on 15 lbs of brownies
[x] Least Favorite TV Show: dr. phil, seriously, let people solve their own problems instead of leading them down the wrong path.. to what? more drama!
Define for us
[x] Bitch: someone, arrogant yet in your face, beautiful and powerful with cunning ambition and wit..
[x] Beauty: deceiving outward appearance, stunning and alluring, eye catching and arousing all at a second's glance
[x] Intelligence: wit and street smarts, ability to hold an actual conversation and not put you to sleep
[x] If you could get away with one thing, what would it be?: fleeing to europe with my friends, moving into a huge gorgeous house with enough money to swim in, and waste away the rest of my years as a struggling artist, with no need to struggle
[x] If you had 3 wishes what would they be?:
- delete all stupid people from the face of the earth
- become a famous bass player
- be able to be invisible
[x] If you could be any musical instrument, what would it be and why?: an ocorana, hard to find, beautiful to look at
[x] Make up a question and answer it: what is the funniest idea for a super hero ever? Narcolepsy Boy! (spelling, ugh.) haha, 'I'm Narcolepsy Boy! watch out evil doers.. *zzzzzzzzzz* *wakes up 20 mins later* because i will find every last one *zzzzz* of you!'
[x] What could you not live without?: my phone line! (phone and internet). i need contact to the outside world, because im snowed in.. and i dont want to drive myself nuts
[x] How do you want to be remembered?: as an artist and good mother, great friend, and best companion ever dreamed of.
[x] Post something beautiful - this can be a picture [person/art/scenery/anything], poetry, thoughts, dreams it's pretty open ended.
LOVE this picture
Love, is a beautiful thing
[x] Why should we give you our yes votes?: because i was here before and am comming back because i love and miss you all =)
[x] Did you read the community rules?: of course =)
[x] Prove it: make me, bitch!
Pictures (optional, but definitely prefered & will have nothing to do with what vote you get): Please post at least 2 pictures. It's nice to be able to put a face with a personality.
overload, my appogies
i miss the lip ring =(
thanks everyone-- Get bored and want to try out a new community check out my baby..
_abeautysgrave_ i personally invite all of you. i mod it, and we're relativly new, i'd love to see you apply.. sorry for the whoring, thanks for the time =) [k]