bull shit u kicked her ass now dont bother commenting back come say it to my face if u have the guts to stay in place and not run away yelling shit the fuck up miss i kicked jessicas ass o no opps my backpack did the job
hAVE YOU EVER* >< Kissed the same sex?: no >< Went to third?: . >< Went to second?: . >< Had Sex?: .no >< Gotten detention?: yeah >< Gotten suspended?: nah >< Got Grounded?: ya >< Cheated On Someone?: no >< Were Caught Cheating?: no >< Lost Your Wallet?: yes. >< Lost Your Cellular Phone?: yes. >< Spied On Your Mom And Dad?: ohh shit you dont want 2 no. >< Were Caught Doing something wrong?: yes >< Cursed At Your Parents?: yes >< Been In love?: no >< Been Loved?: sure >< Used a Friend?: no. >< Been Used By A Friend?: no. >< Lost a Friend?: Yes. >< Been Cheated On?: no >< Been To the Emergency Room?: Ya >< Broken a Bone?: ya my toe thats broken now lol
ChOOSE* >< Chocolate or Vanilla?: noth >< Dog or Cat?: cat. >< Sleeping or Awake?: awake >< Sunny or Gloomy?: sunny. >< Dark or Light?: both >< Pretty or Ugly?: pretty >< Wanted or Unwanted?: Wanted >< Burgers or Hot Dogs?: burgers >< Sitting or Standing Up?: standing up >< Computer or T.V?: computer >< Noise or Silence?: both >< Boys or Girls?: Boys. >< Virgin or Non-Virgin?: . ><
( ... )
Comments 36
molly didnt hit jessica wiht her backpack
i was wathcing it
>< Kissed the same sex?: no
>< Went to third?: .
>< Went to second?: .
>< Had Sex?: .no
>< Gotten detention?: yeah
>< Gotten suspended?: nah
>< Got Grounded?: ya
>< Cheated On Someone?: no
>< Were Caught Cheating?: no
>< Lost Your Wallet?: yes.
>< Lost Your Cellular Phone?: yes.
>< Spied On Your Mom And Dad?: ohh shit you dont want 2 no.
>< Were Caught Doing something wrong?: yes
>< Cursed At Your Parents?: yes
>< Been In love?: no
>< Been Loved?: sure
>< Used a Friend?: no.
>< Been Used By A Friend?: no.
>< Lost a Friend?: Yes.
>< Been Cheated On?: no
>< Been To the Emergency Room?: Ya
>< Broken a Bone?: ya my toe thats broken now lol
>< Chocolate or Vanilla?: noth
>< Dog or Cat?: cat.
>< Sleeping or Awake?: awake
>< Sunny or Gloomy?: sunny.
>< Dark or Light?: both
>< Pretty or Ugly?: pretty
>< Wanted or Unwanted?: Wanted
>< Burgers or Hot Dogs?: burgers
>< Sitting or Standing Up?: standing up
>< Computer or T.V?: computer
>< Noise or Silence?: both
>< Boys or Girls?: Boys.
>< Virgin or Non-Virgin?: .
>< ( ... )
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