5+ bands:
Jack Johnson (not a band, I know)
Zero Assoluto
5+ movies:
The Notebook
10 Things I hate About you
Shaun of the Dead
Pirates of the Carribbean
Friend (pics if possible):
Marsha and J
About you
Mini-bio. Please, be creative and original:
My name is Amanda, I'm Italian-Canadian, scatter brained, hot tempered, livejournal addicted female who's 18 years old but can act 8 or 80 depending on the circumstances. I play guitar, my shoe size is seven and a half, and I fall up the stairs, not down
Most embarrassing moment ever:
There are so very many I could tell you about. On the first date with my now boyfriend, I slipped, fell face flat on a slushy floor in the middle of winter, and this little old lady came to ask me if i was okay. I slammed a cupboard door directly onto my own head, didn't know India was in Asia until grade 11, stated that fact out loud in the middle of class, walked through the subway with my skirt tucked into my underwear, you name it.
Opinions (You may pick 2 out of 3)
Gay Pride:
There's a difference between having style and being a trend-whore. Trends happen, some people actually like certain fashions, music scenes, whatever, but the trend often stems from someone who originally had that idea, and then the second someone else hops on the bandwagon, it turns into a big disaster and everyone gets made fun of (think of all the girls who wore ties before Avril Lavigne came into the picture. They all stopped because from that day on, everyone thought they were Avril wannabees.) Now, if you like Fall Out Boy or Panic! at the disco, you're made fun of because the blasted trend has ruined it for them and everyone. I told you I'm scatterbrained but i think you all know where i'm going here, no?
Drugs/Alcohol use:
I stay away from drugs as much as possible, there is currently debate in the government here about whether weed is considered a drug, as it causes less alteration of state than alcohol, which is legal here. I disapprove of people who smoke pot, however, five times a day, every day, as i have friends and family members who now can't function normally without being high. Doing chemical, man made drugs in my opinion is asking for your life to go down the shitter. As for alcohol, the drinking age here is 19, and some 19 year old people here's IQs hardly rival that of a carb-free bagel, so the American drinking age makes more sense to me, especially when you think about 14 year olds getting drunk in grade 8. All in all, I'm definitely not preaching saying don't do this or that-everyone's had a few drinks before, but I think that now there are more people who don't know their limits and are abusing it for the rest of us.
Promote us in two different places and give us proof:
o1. o2. Bitch
Please provide picture and user name.
Gillian, aka ummshut up
I also think Lindsey, who prmoted to me in my journal, is gorgeous
Ugliest Bitch
Please provide picture and user name.
o1. I don't see any "ugly bitches" here, thankfully, for the first time in a while. Usually rating coms have at least one or two who you're like.. wtfffff
Picture time
Post 2-6 pictures of yourself, including one 200x267:
I don't know how to resize pictures, sorry..
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_themeangirls, they've got the whole bitchiness theme going