There hasn't been much activity so thought I would post.
This morning I had to take my sister to the airport. The last year or so she's been going to Mexico an awful lot since after her car accident/brain injury 2 1/2 years ago she's decided she wants to be bilingual in Spanish. But anyway, when I take her to the airport that means I get to use her car while she's gone since I don't have one. The last two times she's left town (once to Mexico and once to see the parents over Christmas), she didn't bother to fill up her gas tank even though the airport is 45 minutes away each way and she has a gas hog SUV so I wasn't exactly thrilled at having to fill up as soon as I got back. Yeah I shoulda said something, but just as well ... I left it just as empty for her when she got back as she left it for me. At least she didn't complain, otherwise I would've really gone off on her ... like yeah I'm not gonna spend $35 filling up your stupid gas tank when you left me with just barely enough gas to make the fucking 90 minute round trip to get you to the airport so that god forbid you wouldn't have to take the shuttle. I'm all for paying for whatever gas I use once I get home (and I always do) but if it's already empty I'm not gonna pay for any shit I didn't even use, especially since she makes a lot more money than me (and she knows too) and that's what she gets for buying a stupid SUV. I hate SUVs, they take too much space. Anyway.
I'm so not in a good mood, really depressed and feel like crying. I'm about to start my period. I don't usually get too moody but every so often it throws me a loop where I'm just so horridly depressed I just want to drive into the woods for some peace and quiet because the slightest noise will piss me off. I was going to today now that I actually have a car to drive somewhere, but of course stupid 50mph winds and definite rain clouds in the mountains exactly where I was headed put a damper on it. (I live in Colorado right next to the Rockies, btw) I couldn't do anything outside in town either because of the wind, it kinda put a damper on everything. So tried the bookstore, those are supposed to be quiet right? Nooo ... a bunch of stupid kids there, these two girls maybe 10 years old talking to each other had to be right behind me halfway through the store. They weren't talking that loud. It just annoyed the hell out of me me, I mean shut up already it's a bookstore not a damn mall, the mall's across the street if you just wanna walk around randomly and chat. I was going to turn around and give them a dirty look or something but they (fortunately for them) turned down some aisle just as I turned around. And all the tables at the coffee shop were taken, was kinda hoping I could grab a table in the corner away from everything with a cup of coffee so I could write in my journal and vent and stuff. Then the elevator bookstore music got on my nerves. Came home and slept for two hours. Feel only slightly better now.
Oh yeah, and the guy who I was IMing with on Yahoo, he lived nearby and tried to get me to go out with him. Yeah right, he was obviously desperate and I told him so. First conversation we've ever had, I don't even know the guy, and he expects me to drop everything at 8:30pm to go out with him. I don't think so. We'd been getting along fine until then, and not to mention he was soooo fucking nosey. He actuaully asked me "Do you date?" Yes, but not arrogant presumptuous idiots who assume I'm going to drop everything and go running to him just because we had a conversation. Then I tried to change the subject away from dates and he says "Do you use wit to avoid getting too close to people? Or to avoid the date question?" Me: In this case, yes. I already told you I'm not fucking going out with you. He makes some speech about me being some two-faced bitch, so typical of women to act like I'm interested (which I wasn't) and then tell him to fuck off when he asks me out. Then he flat out insults me and calls me a coward and says it's no wonder I didn't make it in the Navy since I obviously (in his opinion) have questionable character. Besides the whole idea of him dissing me being in the Navy at all, that was totally uncalled for. Yeah, I can be bitchy but in this case everything I said to him was completely warranted ... if you're gonna be an asshole to me I'm going to tell you so. I don't have time for guys like that.
OK ... I'm done now. So that was my weekend. I hope everyone else had a slightly better weekend than I have.