What it would be like if everyone's fictional favorite vampire Riley had a formspring account.
Will you help me find a cure for squaids?: I know the cure for Squaids and if I told you, I'd have to kill you. Which, honestly, I'd be delighted.
Does the pope crap in the woods?: Yes. I've seen it. The reason you never see the backside of him is because he wipes his holy ass with his robe.
Why is a raven like a writing desk: Ah... This “riddle” I remember when I sat down with Charles Lutwidge Dodgson aka Lewis Carroll when he devised this. I have the answer. But giving you the answer to that would be like solving the riddle of why the Twilight series is so popular.
If you were president, what would your first act be?: To make it legal to kill the cast of Twilight. And to whomever commits the act, will receive the congressional medal of honor
Have you seen my other sock?: What do you think I used for a condom last night you herpes infested twat.
Will you please kill edward cullen: With pleasure.
Goobers or raisinettes: That's like asking Blondes or Brunettes, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter? Nutrition is nutrition after all!
Why do current superstars keep buying old superstars wardrobes at their garage sales?: Superstars of what? It doesn't matter I suppose. They do it because the newer generation has no originality. Even that lady blah blah or what ever that cunts name is, she's not original. She went into Jim Henson's rejected and retarded muppet pile and pulled out the most obscure muppets she could find and wears it. Its not original.
Why does cody rhodes keep stealing my underwear: He has to turn ted on somehow!
Why do you keep killing my pizza delivery men?: Why not? They are the bottom feeders of society, that's why I kill them. Especially the ones that are 35 and live in a small apartment collecting comic books. Really? That's what you do with your tip money? Let me depress you and tell you, Wonder Woman will never be real.
Would you consider S&m too lame?: I would never sub to anyone. That is fucking pussy. Any guy who does that needs to lose his dick. Now, masochism is different. Inflicting pain and suffering while fucking is amazing. One time, this girl bit me and drew blood, it was fucking amazing.
What? You don't like fucking pizza?: I don't imagine fucking pizza would go over to well. No one wants jizz on there slice of deep dish. Although....somehow....pastry on the other hand.... Dane knows something about that....
What's your hitlist?: Robert Pattison, Stephanie Meyer, (stupid bitch really fucking ruined vampire's reps....) Those two I would kill on my own if I wasn't elected president. Don't need to kill Kristen Stewart, she'll off herself. You. For some reason, a robe. I don't know why i'm supposed to kill a robe though. That's really fucking weird. Whores in clubs. Um...pretty much the human populous that can't offer anything of real value.
This concludes Riley's formspring q and a