So, there's this old picture that I've always meant to do a bit of editing to. Cropping, changing the lighting, that kind of stuff. I finally did it. I know that the concept is pretty common, but feedback is always nice.
I really like it. Is the title really called "Fun In The Sun"? If so I love it just because there seems to be so much irony in it. I like how the photo is composed, first off. And the colours look a bit muddy and dark, and how they're all standing around this fallen pail...makes me think they're looking down at it in contemplation. And obviously they're not playing, and probably not children. It has that darkly-nostalgic feel, like something lost, or looking back on good times ("fun in the sun") in a bittersweet way.
Maybe I read too into things. But I really loved it. I like making up stories with photos, haha.
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Maybe I read too into things. But I really loved it. I like making up stories with photos, haha.
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