Tonight my Aunt and my two cousins came down to see my dorm. Then we went to the New Parthenon in Greektown for dinner, and I found out despite all the hype I don't like gyros. It was nice to spend time with them, my aunt is one of the coolest people I know
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So to all you contact lense wearers out there, don't sleep with them in. Because I did, and guess what? Well after they melted to my eyes as I slept through the night, I peeled them off in the morning only to rip layers of my eyes off with them and now I have abrasions on both of my cornias. So after sitting in my room for a day in complete
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So I guess maybe I should write something for all my fans out there, yeah right. Well what can I say.... I wanted to go on this really cool mission to Nigeria to build a clinic there, but that fell through. Too many people were already going. So I have to find something really kick ass to do this summer so I can get into med school... any
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So I was reading Steve's live journal today and was a little depressed, first because my name isn't mentioned a single time in it, despite the fact that I have spent more time with him this past year than my family. And second because he just seems so depressed over that stupid girl, I wish I could make things all better for him
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Kathy's spending the night in D-town with me which is pretty damn exciting in my world. We ordered a pizza and breadsticks from dominos and ate all of it by ourselves :) Wow and you wonder why I'm fat. So its concrete we're living together next year, WSU forest apartments suckas'. Which will be so fucking awesome. Kathy is probably the best
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So tonight I went bowling with Matt, Kathy, Ryan, Kelly, Brian, and Jamie. It was so fun to be around old friends. The history makes everything that much more exciting, remember when
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