As I write this I’m sitting on the plane, unable to fully open my screen as the gentleman in front of me has reclined his seat reclined so far. Yay. In efforts to relieve my boredom, here’s a recap of my travel so far:
Flight to San Francisco
I was sitting next to Eric and behind Michael, so we chatted the entire flight. Flying in the very early hours of the morning felt bizarre-I felt like I should’ve been really tired, but the nervous energy was keeping me up!
Layover in San Francisco
I ditched the wheelchair-my foot felt fine-and hobbled around with the walking cast. Once we got to the gate and sat down, we realized we’d have no problem recognizing the other AKP students in the program-we were the only non-Japanese at the gate! We all introduced ourselves, but we soon broke up into our respective school groups, since we already knew each other. I went around and joined other groups for a while and went and ate lunch with this guy but eventually ended up back with the Pomona kids. When I was talking to one of the Wesleyan boys, we started talking about facebook, and I mentioned how I felt a little stalker for recognizing a lot of the people. He told me he knew exactly who I was, where I went to school, and what my major was, since he was bored last night, saw that I had put up new pictures of me and my luggage, and looked at my profile! We all know a lot about each other haha.
San Francisco - Japan
Right now I’m only in hour 3 of the flight, with 7½ more to go (we’re anticipating an early arrival thanks to favorable winds). I’m practically counting down the minutes I’m so excited to get there…which of course will make the flight seem longer. I’ve already watched half of Prince Caspian and even managed to sleep for an hour. The guy next to me doesn’t seem to mind the flight at all-he’s too busy listening to the soundtrack from Jersey Boys while he uses the lyrics pamphlet to memorize the words! He’s been alternating between lyrics-learning, watching Mamma Mia with Japanese subtitles, and watching the Tony Awards. I can’t help but be amused!
I feel naked without my phone and all we’ve been talking about is how soon we can buy our Japanese ones. I’ll take pictures as soon as I do! :)