a meme-ing we will go...

Sep 19, 2005 23:52

LJ Interests meme results

  1. blunt honesty:
    the only way to fly... i was once accused of being "as subtle as a punch in the face" and took it as a compliment.
  2. citrus fruit:
    lurve it... i dig the slight tang of the citric acid, like the texture of the pulp... good stuff.
  3. douglas adams:
    a *wonderful* author whom we lost way too soon
  4. guitars:
    an instrument i keep telling myself i'll learn to play... one day, i think i probably will...
  5. manual transmissions:
    man. i *loathe* automatic transmissions. they shift at the wrong times, misuse the available power of the engine, and aren't as fun.
  6. new mexico:
    the state of my birf. still got fambly out there.
  7. r.e.m.:
    one of my favourite bands in college... i still like a lot of their stuff, but it tends to be older stuff...
  8. sneaker pimps:
    i will forever treasure the memory of my infant daughter, sitting there in just her diaper, bouncing along to the beat of "spin spin sugar" on "becoming remixed"
  9. the princess bride:
    in serious contention for being my favourite movie of all time.
  10. william gibson:
    one of my favourite authors... i love his style.

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