Stupid Chat Room Shit Aug 19...

Aug 20, 2004 00:28


ruthlesssssssss: lol even better
master_inquisitor1976: lol kid was on a 28.8 modem.
thesweets_2 left the room
ruthlesssssssss: lol
daddysxsweetxpet: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
jugheads_revenge19: they still make those
daddysxsweetxpet: the room is spinning
master_inquisitor1976: stop the chair, pet.
master_inquisitor1976: its you.
master_inquisitor1976: lol
daddysxsweetxpet: it is???????
princess_of_death_1986: lol
daddysxsweetxpet: ok.. that stuff is making my head ich, Master..
daddysxsweetxpet: itch..
ruthlesssssssss: pet whatd you take?
ruthlesssssssss: Nyquil?
biggdadddy2000 left the room
daddysxsweetxpet: basicly mini T's
daddysxsweetxpet: couldn't breath....
ruthlesssssssss: oh
titler_2002 left the room
ruthlesssssssss: anyone ever tried Buckley's?
ruthlesssssssss: the liquid shit
master_inquisitor1976: buckleys?
daddysxsweetxpet: nope
master_inquisitor1976: .... nawp
jugheads_revenge19: I went to a micro brewery named big bucks
ruthlesssssssss: oh my thats the most horrendus thing ever
jugheads_revenge19: how's that
daddysxsweetxpet: this is ephedrine plus.... bronchodilator
ruthlesssssssss: but it does its job
ruthlesssssssss: its made out of pine needles
~~DaT_SeXi_LiL_dYmE_bOo_JeWeLz~ (baby_gurl_jewelz) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: wb jewelzy
wolfsdoe: Genie Sir?
daddysxsweetxpet: ...oh cam is open again
jugheads_revenge19: yes doe?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: jewelz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baby_gurl_jewelz: ty Pet
baby_gurl_jewelz: Stacie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wolfsdoe: uh Big Bucks? what state Sir?
jugheads_revenge19: Michigan
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: jewelz i missed you
baby_gurl_jewelz: i missed you too!!!
princess_of_death_1986: lol nu uh Ruthless Sir
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: you missed so much
wolfsdoe: oh, okay, ty Sir
princess_of_death_1986: buckleys is the greatest!
baby_gurl_jewelz: I missed E/everyone
jugheads_revenge19: auburn hill michigan
jugheads_revenge19: hills*
ruthlesssssssss: princess you really htink so?
princess_of_death_1986: uh huh
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im sure they missed you too
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: tons
princess_of_death_1986: lol
daddysxsweetxpet jumps into Master's lap and wraps herself around her again
ruthlesssssssss: I once was so sick I drank the whole bottle
princess_of_death_1986: it isnt that bad
daddysxsweetxpet: around Him again...LOL
ruthlesssssssss: haven't gotten sick since
master_inquisitor1976 grins at he crack-pet
baby_gurl_jewelz: lmaO
ruthlesssssssss: that was liek 3 years ago
baby_gurl_jewelz sits on pet on Masters lap
master_inquisitor1976 waves jewelzi over
daddysxsweetxpet wraps herself around her again..
daddysxsweetxpet: this time it works... hehehe
baby_gurl_jewelz: hehe
jugheads_revenge19: night A/all
wolfsdoe: nite Genie Sir
ruthlesssssssss: night
jugheads_revenge19 left the room
daddysxsweetxpet left the room
Daddys little pet (daddysxsweetxpet) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: damn, maybe i should have just told him that i was 16
wolfsdoe: wb pet
daddysxsweetxpet: sorry Master
daddysxsweetxpet hides
master_inquisitor1976 smiles at jewelzi
master_inquisitor1976 whaps pet ont he back of the head
master_inquisitor1976: Shhhh
master_inquisitor1976: dont be blurting out your age
ruthlesssssssss: LOL
baby_gurl_jewelz: hehe
daddysxsweetxpet: sorry Sir...
ruthlesssssssss: inquisitor she's gonan get it later isn't she LOL
ruthlesssssssss: its the anticipation that drives teh subs wild LOL
baby_gurl_jewelz: hehe
shiningknight20002000 joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: now i have just add to my punishment, didn't i Master?
baby_gurl_jewelz smacks pets ass
daddysxsweetxpet: eeekkkk
daddysxsweetxpet: jewelz
ruthlesssssssss: lol
master_inquisitor1976: jewelzi... do Me a favor.
master_inquisitor1976 leans over and whispers ni jewelzi's ear
baby_gurl_jewelz: yes Sir?
shiningknight20002000 left the room
baby_gurl_jewelz Drag pet into the box and rapes her senseless
wolfsdoe: bigguy? bugoff
master_inquisitor1976 grins evilly
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daddysxsweetxpet: eeep
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: iggie works
daddysxsweetxpet: mmmmmm jewelzy
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: no need to give the trolls attention
jimmy_dawson2 left the room
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i just click the box off and iggie
daddysxsweetxpet looks around the room
daddysxsweetxpet thinks about bouncing around again
daddysxsweetxpet grins
daddysxsweetxpet goes to Master's chair and finds His rope
daddysxsweetxpet uses Master's rope to jump rope
master_inquisitor1976 blinks
master_inquisitor1976: Mind the locks, pet.
Mari (loud_angel219) joined the room
ruthlesssssssss: LOL
ruthlesssssssss: thats the funnies thing I've seen all day
daddysxsweetxpet: left the locks under the chair Sir
master_inquisitor1976: welcome, mari
ruthlesssssssss: she is high as a kite
daddysxsweetxpet: hmmmmmm... vodca sounds good....
princess_of_death_1986: wowza... bats are kool up close
dillboy (jeff_dill83) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: brb... going to find it
Jenny (im_all_yours_tonight19) joined the room
baby_gurl_jewelz jumps on pet and rapes her somemore
daddysxsweetxpet: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ruthlesssssssss: my old job a bat got caught in velcro in a camera tower
ruthlesssssssss: it hissed at me
ruthlesssssssss: so I poked it
princess_of_death_1986: lol
princess_of_death_1986: we just had one in our back room
ruthlesssssssss: is your family vampire bays
ruthlesssssssss: bats?
princess_of_death_1986: no
ruthlesssssssss: are you ?
daddysxsweetxpet: ick... that was nasty
jeff_dill83 left the room
master_inquisitor1976: Triple Distilled Evil.
daddysxsweetxpet: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
daddysxsweetxpet: more Daddy!!!!!!
hot_sauce_on_chicken (dontfeedphil01) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: Daddy... can i have one more shot????
master_inquisitor1976: hmm... wait 15 minutes and ask again
daddysxsweetxpet: mmmmmmmm
daddysxsweetxpet: you think i am going to pass out, don't you?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: * makes the thank God im not that stupid helpless kiss ass bitch list and passes it to jewelz *
master_inquisitor1976: no.. I want to see how it reacts with the pills.
ruthlesssssssss: ie pass out?
master_inquisitor1976: I dont want your ass on the ground frothing at the mouth
daddysxsweetxpet: oh
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: MI whats a pill?
dontfeedphil01 left the room
baby_gurl_jewelz: lmao
baby_gurl_jewelz: stacie i luv u hun
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i love you too
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: jewelz whats passing out?
daddysxsweetxpet: Daddy... am i spinning the chair again?
master_inquisitor1976: no.. but you're burping like a redneck
baby_gurl_jewelz: i dunno
baby_gurl_jewelz: maybe we should ask someones Master
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: MI what is spinning?
master_inquisitor1976: stacie... when did you turn 2?
master_inquisitor1976: lol
daddysxsweetxpet: its the coke
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im acting like a kiss ass i met in here
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im trying to see how far up spmeones ass i can get my head
daddysxsweetxpet: head................
master_inquisitor1976: pet.
master_inquisitor1976: dirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrty girl
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: for we should all emulate that kiss ass
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: not
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daddysxsweetxpet: sorry Daddy
daddysxsweetxpet: i will be good, promis
daddysxsweetxpet: promise
Luke (angels_lover_boy2001) joined the room
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im good
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i swear
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: at everything i do
wolfsdoe: stacie? did something happen that filled you with such a negative attitude?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: like my profane use of profanity
wolfsdoe: or where you just born with that in you?
baby_gurl_jewelz: stacies great
baby_gurl_jewelz: wtf u talkin about
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: ty jewelz
baby_gurl_jewelz: she jus has a hmmm whuts it called
baby_gurl_jewelz: personallity?
baby_gurl_jewelz: a spine
wolfsdoe: stacie just always seem so negative, or angry, i just don't understand it
Dom. Benjamin (benplace_1000) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: <--- is starting to come down
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: wb Ben
wolfsdoe: and for a sub/slave she seems to take great pride in her dominance and profanity
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: yw
wolfsdoe: i just want to try and understand where she is coming from, thats all
wolfsdoe: its just confusing to me
baby_gurl_jewelz: well maybe she jus hasnt found the right Dom yet
Miss Sarah (misscoldhardbitch) joined the room
baby_gurl_jewelz: why should u have to understand?
baby_gurl_jewelz: jus tha way she is
baby_gurl_jewelz: love it or leave it
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: well im not gonna satick my head up every fucking doms ass that comes in here
wolfsdoe: okay, iggy then it will be
baby_gurl_jewelz huggles up pet
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: like i give a fuck
im_all_yours_tonight19 left the room
daddysxsweetxpet: stacie?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: now guys save the room text
baby_gurl_jewelz: she knows who to respect and who she doesnt have to
baby_gurl_jewelz: if she doesnt want to that is
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im surely going to be snitched on
baby_gurl_jewelz: afraid so hunni
daddysxsweetxpet: more then likely
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Jenny (im_all_yours_tonight19) joined the room
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: yeah well
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: note
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i did not talk to anyone directly
baby_gurl_jewelz: nope u didnt
daddysxsweetxpet: no you didn't stacie
baby_gurl_jewelz: u did in ur stacie way lol
daddysxsweetxpet: and i think i know how you feel
daddysxsweetxpet: or kinda anyway
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i know you do pet
wolfsdoe: oh really pet?
daddysxsweetxpet: well.. i have crashed...
im_all_yours_tonight19 left the room
daddysxsweetxpet: yes doe, you know how i feel... stacie is about the same type of problem
wolfsdoe: gee, thanks, thank you very much, all a the times you have run to me, crying and worried about your personal situation
daddysxsweetxpet: or has... not is
wolfsdoe: and you can say that?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: wow waht a snitch
daddysxsweetxpet: you dear doe have been the biggest help ever in my life
wolfsdoe: a snithc?
wolfsdoe: you little bitch
wolfsdoe: so one would have to say anything if you behaved in the first place like an actual sub or slave'
daddysxsweetxpet: no i do not think you are a snitch.. maybe i missed something that was said
master_inquisitor1976 cuddles pet
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: you just let everyone know pet talked to you
wolfsdoe: you are meerly a child in need
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: and you
wolfsdoe: and you don't even know what that is
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: are a kiss ass
wolfsdoe: you are jelouse of everyone else
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: not of you
wolfsdoe: i am not a kiss ass, i am a true slave, and it would do you some good to take some lessons
baby_gurl_jewelz: doe u better watch wtf u say
daddysxsweetxpet: i don't care if everyone knows that i talked to doe.. she has helped me more then anyone else in trying to understand myself, and my Master
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: okay pet
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: and yes im a bitch
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: and youre a snitch
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i can see it now
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: oh Genie sSir
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: stacie was mean to mean
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
wolfsdoe: and pet has let A/all in the room know she has talked to me, she has on many occassions thanked me openly in the room
wolfsdoe: but i have NEVER told ANYONE anything she has said to me in private
wolfsdoe: not even to her MASTER
wolfsdoe: you know stacie, one day if you ever live to SEE r/t, a true Master would nearly kill you!
master_inquisitor1976 sighs
jeremy_swann2000 (jeremy_swann2000) joined the room
baby_gurl_jewelz bites Master
master_inquisitor1976: doe, stacie, hell everyone.. please take a moment to breathe
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im fine MI
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wolfsdoe: i did not call pet a snitch
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i didnt call pet anytihng
wolfsdoe: pet is a true delight, SHE is at least willing to learn and try!
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i like pet
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: a lot
wolfsdoe: and i have NEVER seen pet act like a little spoiled bitch wanna be
master_inquisitor1976: girls..
baby_gurl_jewelz: ..............
daddysxsweetxpet: lol
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: its okay MI let her rave on
master_inquisitor1976 points tot he pillows surrounding His chair
daddysxsweetxpet: everyone else thinks i am a huge bitch
jeremy_swann2000 left the room
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: she amusing as all hell
daddysxsweetxpet kneels next to Master
Soni (kitten_soni) joined the room
wolfsdoe: you are not a bitch pet
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daddysxsweetxpet looks for her missing pillow again
wolfsdoe: and i have never heard anyone, of any worth, say that about you
master_inquisitor1976: we are all members of the same family.
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: well apparently im not
master_inquisitor1976: dysfunctional, sure.. but it is a family.. a community.
wolfsdoe: and see stacie youj still can;t stop your little trash mouth
master_inquisitor1976: doe.
daddysxsweetxpet: doe, you haven't known me that long... half of yahoo call me a bitch, and they are right, at least to some degree
baby_gurl_jewelz: she doesnt have to
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i believe you called it vulgar
baby_gurl_jewelz: pet u are a bitch
baby_gurl_jewelz: its great
daddysxsweetxpet: its more that i am a slave that needs more training in the proper way to act, both in real life and here, online
baby_gurl_jewelz: every gurl has bitch in them
baby_gurl_jewelz: some jus a lil more then others
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: yes
baby_gurl_jewelz: and some choose to express it more
baby_gurl_jewelz: deal with it
daddysxsweetxpet: i was trying to correct something i saw in Master... something a girl in my place should have never done.. i should have been stronger and excepted my place
master_inquisitor1976: accepted.
daddysxsweetxpet: as it is, i have done more damage to both Master and myself...
wolfsdoe: Inquisitor Sir, there is only so much one can take, i have tolerated stacie's nasty mouth and smart ass remarks from day one in here, Master will not be happy about this, at all, and i am sick of it myself. i don't say anything to her, i don't make smart ass remarks to her, none of that, but i have had it with her attitude and VULGAR mouth towards me!!!!!!
daddysxsweetxpet: sorry, Master.. i know i can't spell... even more so tonight then most nights
baby_gurl_jewelz: so iggy her
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: why does it have to be about you?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: it isnt about you
baby_gurl_jewelz: she feels she it needs to be said
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: from day one?
daddysxsweetxpet: doe, stacies biggest problem is that her Master isn't a Master that can handle more then one slave at a time.. and he has two... plus the ones he keeps to himself
baby_gurl_jewelz: she is FINALLY learning hoe to speak up and i completly encourage her choice to express her feeling
wolfsdoe: geez, you just don't get it. Fine, so be it, but stacie? hope i don't get your home addy BITCH
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: please the forst time was the other day
baby_gurl_jewelz: hmm
baby_gurl_jewelz: whut a good lil slave giving threats now?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i see that
daddysxsweetxpet sits next to Master and cries because of her sisters fighting
ruthlesssssssss: well somone did say every girl has a bit of bitch in them LOL
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: she hates me pet
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: dont cry
ruthlesssssssss: and I'm just gonan shut up again
master_inquisitor1976: stacie, you know that I like you, and doe, you as well know that I like you and thank you BOTH for the help that you have provided pet and Myself through your talks.. knowingly and unknowingly... you both have things to bring to the table, and both have things to work on... it would be in both of your best interests to have a talk with your respective Masters, and come together as a whole to discuss your qualms as two wholes rather than two subs bickering.
baby_gurl_jewelz: lol yeap
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: its okay
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i threatened no one
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: called n oo ne bitch
baby_gurl_jewelz misses the bickering
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im sorry MI
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: sorry you had to be here
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: and see this
wolfsdoe: no but you pathetic wanna be, you ARE threatened, by a real slave, because you know you do not have it i n you to be one yourself!
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: not true
master_inquisitor1976: I would have found out tonight in any event.. the point is, there is a better way to go about this.
baby_gurl_jewelz: grrrrr
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im not threatened by you
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: i know that
daddysxsweetxpet lays her head on Master's thight and cries her heart out
ruthlesssssssss: ok you 2 need to take a 2 minute time out
wolfsdoe: you are so sad, yes you are, otherwise you would not have the need to make all the smart ass remarks that you do
baby_gurl_jewelz: in order to be a REAL SLAVE u need a REAL MASTER or whuts the point?
ruthlesssssssss: gather yourselves and talk
ruthlesssssssss: without throwing accusations
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: Ruthless im fine
baby_gurl_jewelz growls in her box and keeps her mouth shut
ruthlesssssssss: ok just a suggestion
master_inquisitor1976: doe, stacie. Both of you. talk to your respective Sirs. set up a time when all 4 of you can have a CALM discussion between you all, as it involves, and reflects on you all.
master_inquisitor1976: I dont need to do this, but I will to help ensure that My viewpoint is a proper one... does anyone disagree with what I have suggested?
ruthlesssssssss: only 2 ppl that ammter have to agree
ruthlesssssssss: matter
baby_gurl_jewelz huggles up her stacie
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: do i matter Ruthless?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: or am i a pathetic wannabe?
daddysxsweetxpet: stacie, you are not a wannabie
ruthlesssssssss: well I always live by that sayin I think therefore I am
daddysxsweetxpet: you are learning, like myself
daddysxsweetxpet: like most in this room
daddysxsweetxpet: doe, you have more real life experience then most of us in the room
Dom. Benjamin (benplace_1000) joined the room
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: wb Ben
master_inquisitor1976: Welcome Back, Benjamin
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: or not
daddysxsweetxpet: both of you please remember that yes this is a forum to learn, but it is also a place for us subs to express our feelings.
daddysxsweetxpet: wb Ben
wolfsdoe: yes pet, so therefor stacie calls me a what was it? a brown noser or somthing to that affect?
wolfsdoe: she want to judge me on my behavior, but she should not be judged?
daddysxsweetxpet: both of you have said hurtfull things tonight...
TrAjIkJuGgAlO (the_only_juggalo_stunna) joined the room
master_inquisitor1976: welcome, Traj
baby_gurl_jewelz: TRAJIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the_only_juggalo_stunna: hay MI
daddysxsweetxpet: you are not a brown noser. you do and act in the ways of a true well trained sub
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: Trajik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
the_only_juggalo_stunna: JEwelz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the_only_juggalo_stunna: stacie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baby_gurl_jewelz: HEHE
daddysxsweetxpet: do you both understand what i am saying?
daddysxsweetxpet: look from each other point of view
master_inquisitor1976 tacklerapes Traj before jewelzi can.. in a purely platonic and Manly way.
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: yes
the_only_juggalo_stunna: wow
baby_gurl_jewelz: LMAO
baby_gurl_jewelz: whoa
the_only_juggalo_stunna: that was the gratest
baby_gurl_jewelz: he beat me to it
daddysxsweetxpet: stacie, do you understand why doe has said what she did
master_inquisitor1976: you like My thong?
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: yes
the_only_juggalo_stunna: ohhh yes
daddysxsweetxpet: and doe do you understand stacie?
baby_gurl_jewelz: i want to rape him in manly wayz too!!!!!
wolfsdoe: oh i certainly do
Soni (kitten_soni) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: then stacie you tell me what and why doe has said and done what she has.
the_only_juggalo_stunna: carly peterson won that good
the_only_juggalo_stunna: gold
the_only_juggalo_stunna: lol
daddysxsweetxpet: doe you tell me why stacie has done and said what she has
ruthlesssssssss: Soccer starts soon
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: if im gathering it right
kAsPeR (xxxxcannibisxxxx) joined the room
daddysxsweetxpet: you can both pm me if you wish
master_inquisitor1976 hands a strapon to jewelzi
master_inquisitor1976: have a ball, babygirl
master_inquisitor1976: lol
baby_gurl_jewelz: whao
baby_gurl_jewelz: i was jk
master_inquisitor1976: just make sure Traj agrees or it could be a messy court thing
baby_gurl_jewelz: lmao
daddysxsweetxpet takes the strapon from Master before jewelz can
xxxxcannibisxxxx left the room
princess_of_death_1986: *peaks out from hiding under her pillow*
ruthlesssssssss: Everyone have a good night
princess_of_death_1986: is it safe?
daddysxsweetxpet: good night ruthless
ruthlesssssssss: pet is always safe
princess_of_death_1986: nitey nite Ruthless Sir
daddysxsweetxpet: pet only bites those she loves
ruthlesssssssss: she put a peace to it
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: she doesnt like my attitude, thinks im directing everytihng towards her, foram what she said i suppopse she hates me too, which is fine, none of you know me, so you may read into thoings all you want and call me names, its fine, im hard to read, but dont assume, and dont assume im fake, and dont make threats
wolfsdoe: no, pet, actually Someone in the room just PM'd me and said "don't get upset, she is not worth her weight in air" and you know what? They are right, from now on i will just have her on ignore, problems solved
ruthlesssssssss: nite
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: well thank you whoever you are
daddysxsweetxpet gives up
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: dont give up
daddysxsweetxpet: whats the point of trying to help
past_fears_ignite_present_terror: im not the one giving up
daddysxsweetxpet sits quietly next to Master... like a good little slave
*** knights2525 will be ignored.
ruthlesssssssss left the room
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