That. Was incredibly hard work. So many injuries. It's lucky we got away from there before I could get seriously hurt. It's worth it. We got them finally, and that's what really counts. It was messy and horrible, but at least Dolohov did the real dirty work and it's done. It's done and we really did need all that help. Bloody resiliant twins. They've got balls, I'm sure of that. It's the pureblood in them.
The rush doesn't go away, that's entirely sure. Adrenaline is great like that. We can move on. Who next. What next. Meadowes? Shacklebolt? Oh, the choices.
I can go back home and go back to my little boy and...well, actually, I'm struggling to move right about now, but we'll work on that one. I hope we taught them a bloody lesson, though. You don't fuck with us, to put it brutally. That's the good thing about making a statement. No need to hide the corpses. Heh. Now to properly cover my arse.
Onwards, Onwards. Today is a good day. We're back on the agenda.
They're dead. Twins, I mean. If anyone takes the blame, it's Dolohov. As long as I take the credit, clearly.
So. No need to cover for me. I was having dinner with Caius and his wife. But any thoughts on where to go from here?
I...have already taken that it will include lots of blood and gore and such. But...something a little more constructive?
A very good job done. How did it go, by the way?
It's been a long time since I wrote in here. I guess life gets the better of you.