More precisely, thoughts on the season 7 fall finale.
There was a lot of build up to this episode. It was supposed to be "heart-breaking" due to the Doctor saying goodbye to Amy and Rory. I was not expecting this episode to be heart-breaking to me. I was never a big fan of the Ponds. Rory waiting 2000 years for Amy was cool, so I like him some, but I never felt much one way or another about Amy. Even last season when we discovered she was pregnant my reaction was, "Oh. I didn't see that coming." The first time I ever *really* felt anything for her was in "The Girl who Waited". So, I wasn't expecting much heart-break on my end. However, in my opinion, there wasn't really any heart-break at all! Yes, it was sad when Rory died, but you knew that wasn't going to happen right away since he was still standing alive right there! And Amy and Rory jumped to their "deaths" from a building. Except they didn't die. And then they get sent back in time by the angels. Big deal. They lived out their lives happily together. I'm sorry they can't see the Doctor anymore (why can't he pick them up some other place or time?) but it wasn't heart-breaking. Donna's exit was heart-breaking. This was pretty much a happy ending. Yes, the Doctor can't see Amy anymore (again, why not??) but they had full lives together.
As a side note I nearly had a heart attack when the Doctor asked River to travel with him. Thank goodness she's not doing that! I still don't like her, and I really don't like the idea of the Doctor being married to her! I am ready for a new companion. I just hope Oswin or Clara or whoever she is doesn't fall in love with the Doctor. I've had enough of companions doing that!