Big Bang Graphics Spam
Under the cut, you'll find:
29 Big Bang icons
03 JaeBeom Support Icons
05 Big Bang Headers
These are only here cos on
marsxcollapse , we're not doing this week's post and I have... a lot of stuff to post. x__x
The Rules
[x]Credit is nice. Please, if you're using, credit
bitter_sweet05 so others can find this if they like what they see.
[x]Editing my works is not nice. I have PSDs, if you want something changed or text added to anything or WHATEVER, just let me know and I'll probably do it for you. Mmmkay?
[x]Don't claim as your own, guys. Believe me, I will know. I will. I know my own work.
[x]If there's anything you wanna see in the future, leave me a comment and let me know. I'm always looking for more ideas. =]
[x]Please please PLEASE leave a comment if you're taking anything. It makes me feel appreciated and it inspires me to like... continue on making things for everyone to enjoy. Mmkay? Mmkay.
[x]No hatred here. This is a no-hate zone. I don't care if you don't like what I made. Constructive criticism is allowed, but if you go "OMG your graphics suck" I will probably delete your comment. Because yeah. I'm a bitch like that. =]