(no subject)

Apr 04, 2008 13:21


Put your music player on shuffle. For each category, hit next .. and put the first song that starts playing.

Opening credits: Incubus - Pardon Me
hm, i always pictured this song for a montage, like a training montage, like fucking rocky.

Waking up: Atreyu - A Vampire's Lament
i can't see it, unless i was working the night shift at a shit job

Average day: Kanye West - Good Life
it works, if i hadn't ruined this song for myself

First date: Thursday - How Long is the Night
unless i was on a date with ashley, no.

Falling in love: Damien Rice - The Blowers Daughter
fo' sho'

Fight scene: Alexisonfire - We Are The Sound
haha, already happened at the montreal show two years ago

Breaking up: Blink-182 - Happy Holidays, You Bastard
"ill never talk to you again unless your mom will touch my cock"

Getting back together: Circle Takes The Square - A Crater to Cough In
no, never, unless she was some crazy scene bitch that cut herself

Secret love: Weerd Science - Methods N Test Tubes
White Rapper?

Life's okay: Heavy Heavy Low Low - Tragic Tragic Track Jacket
too much metal

Mental breakdown: Coldplay - Politik

Driving: The Cure - Come On Eileen
summer days, drive home from work with this song blasting

Learning a lesson: Dead Prez - Walk Like A Warror
maybe i learned the oppression of the black man in the ghetto

Deep thought: Damien Rice - Amie
i play damien rice all the time when i am doing homework

Flashback: Senses Fail - Bite To Break The Skin (Remix)
Techno Screamo?

Partying: The Refused - The Refused Party Program

Regretting: Hidden in Plain View - Garden Satement

Long night alone: Saosin - Mookie's Last Christmas
can't see it

Death scene: Death Cab for Cutie - What Sarah Said
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