yep..okay...this is a normal lil' ole' survey!!!! just take it dammit!!!!!! please......:)
1. what is your name?: Tanya..-sl-
2. Where do you live?: Mississippi
3. What is your birth date?: September 16
4. What color eyes/hair do you have?: blue/green and blonde
5. Righty or lefty?: lefty =p
6. Band?: Evanescence
7. song?: "stellar" by Incubus
8. Color?: black
9. drink?: Cherry Coke
10. clothing store?: Pac Sun
11. type of food(American, Chinese, etc..)?: American
12. Restaurant?: T.G.I. Fridays or Olive Garden
13. movie?: LOTR
14. t.v. show?: Elimidate
15. subject in school?: English
16. sport?: Skateboarding
18. video/computer game?: Grand Theft Auto III ^_^
~Do you/have you/would you/are you~
19. Do you have siblings?: yep
20. do you have any pets?: yep
21. Do you get along with your parents?: I guess
22. Have you ever done drugs?: nope..-lol-
23. Have you ever had sex?: ...!
24. Are you popular at school?: hah.....
25. Do you have a drinking problem?: -lol- oh yes...a SODA drinking problem..
26. Have you ever had sex in an airplane? In a bathroom? In your grandma