
Nov 08, 2003 18:23

1) single or taken: single as they come
2) birthday: 12/20
3) sign: sag, zee archer
4) siblings: matt, my older bro
5) hair colour: brown, soon SOON to be red!!!
6) eye colour: hazel with goldish tint
7) height: 5'5
8) shoe size: 7 1/2 - 8

;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~*
1) who are your best friends?: nicole, alyssa, anthony, peter, liz, andrew, paul
2) do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no.
3) did you send this to your crush?: no, why would i send something to steve?

*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*
1) where is your favorite place to shop?: bob's, filene's, and as a guilty pleasure-hot profit
2) do you have anything pierced?: ears, nothing else :-(

-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*
1) do you do drugs?: No.
3) what kind of shampoo do you use?: suave, cheap and lovin' it!
4) what are you listening to right now?: nothing
5) what car do you have?: none yet
6) who is the last person that called you?: my dad
7) where do you want to get married at?: i'm not sure if i want to get married...
8) how many messenger buddies do you have on-line right now?: 24
9) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: i was skinnier, my hair would be easier to manage, and i had a trademark on my face, like a scar

~*~*~ Favourites~*~*~*~
1) color: black, blue, silver
2) number: 17
3) food: buffalo chicken wings
4) boy's name: cameron or james
5) girl's name: jade, eve.
6) subjects in school: chorus, spanish
7) animals: LLAMA
8) game(s): truth or dare

-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*
1) given someone a bath?: do my baby cousins count?
2) smoked?: Yes.
3) bungee jumped?: no...
4) broken the law: yeah
5) made yourself throw-up?: yep
6) gone skinny-dipping?: no not yet

*-;-* F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d *-;-*
1) red: rose
2) cows: leather
3) socks: rocks
4) greenland: weed (lol)

~-;-~*W h a t ' s w o r s e ?*~-;-~*
1) barfing on your date or your date barfing on you?: They both suck.

*-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-*
1) do you like filling these out? yeah
2) how many people are you sending this too?: no one
3) who will send this back? what?
4) if you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why: dog because i want to do nothing all day and be loved for it.
5) the last movie you saw at the cinema? can't remember
7) favorite cartoon character?: towlie from south park or mayor adam west from family guy
8) what do you eat for breakfast in the morning?: egg, bacon, and cheese bagel
9) who would you hate being locked in a room with?: my ex-boyfriend

*5 things you can see*
1. playing cards
2. magazines
3. pictures
4. scrunchie
5. cds

*5 things you are doing right now*
1. doing this survey
2. lounging
3. listening to my mom scream at the tv
4. hoping that jon doesn't talk to me
5. thinking of how steve looks so much like jamie madrox (drool *orgasm*)

*3 things you ate in the last 24 hours*
1. chips
2. french fries
3. buffalo wings

*5 things you did so far today*
1. bought "great milenko"
2. talked to jon
3. went to dunkin donuts
4. took 3 bathroom breaks
5. read about andrew dice clay on IMdB (good times)

*4 things you can hear right now*
1. "halls of illusions" in my head
2. my mom
3. tv
4. me typing on the keyboard

*5 thoughts in your head*
1. i farted.
2. i need to get laid
3. steve is HOT
4. what if i pierced my eyebrow?
5. steve + me - clothes = .........=)

*5 things you like in the opposite sex (or the same if that floats ur boat)*
1. brown eyes
2. smile
3. nice to talk to
4. good music taste
5. hands (don't ask)

*1 things you want to do this year*
1. i want my mom to realize that no matter what she says, i'm a juggalette and nothing's gonna change it

*5 bands you're listening to* lately
1. ICP
2. twiztid
3. deftones
4. ABK
5. nickelback

*3 famous people you would have sex with*
1. jamie Mmdrox
2. blaze
3. eric balfour, the actor in "texas chainsaw massacre"

*5 objects in your room you love*
1. the faygo bottles i'm hiding in my underwear drawer
2. cds
3. bed
4. laptop
5. pillow

*Five things you love*
1. music
2. performing
3. writing
4. chilling with my friends
5. make out sessions

*Three things you hate*
1. fakes
2. hypocrites
3. racists
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