Jan 17, 2011 08:22
- Life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. ~ Lou Holtz
- learn to endure the small things
- mute your mind
- give yourself a day off
- pardon errors
karma kisses
Jan 14, 2011 07:00
- stop to look at even the most mundane objects, which are also things of wonder
- take time of reflect, to sit by a warm fire, to watch a quiet snowfall with loved ones
- learn from anti-role models
- seek to understand before being understood
- see good conditions as a gift and a blessing, rather than taking them for granted
karma kisses
Jan 13, 2011 06:56
- be happy with what you have while working for what you want
- when you feel unsure of your direction, do an "I am" affirmation mantra/meditation
- strive to understand what you fear most
- honor your innate dignity
- be humble and polite
karma kisses
Jan 11, 2011 03:36
- try not to force an idea on others, but rather think about it with them and let them change their own minds
- resist the impulse to interfere unnecessarily with outcomes
- even in the most difficult circumstances, do not complain, panic or lose hope
- you get back from the world exactly what you put into the world
- be ruthless about clearing away material you
( Read more... )
karma kisses
Jan 10, 2011 07:08
- prevent trouble before it arises
- recognize the moments when you lack deliberation and mindfulness
- clean out and organize the drawers
- never question your happiness
- reread a book that made a difference in your life
karma kisses
Jan 09, 2011 09:07
- your life is the path
- remember that the best things in life are free
- work at allowing more things to unfold in your life without forcing them to happen or rejecting things that should not be happening
- it is better to give than to receive
- give yourself the chance to start over
karma kisses
Jan 08, 2011 05:30
- be a useful person
- take time to think
- speak gently and sincerely
- laugh off a ridiculous situation
- when you make the connection between all things, you have a way out of isolation
karma kisses
Jan 07, 2011 07:55
Its your turn to spread some love.
What Karma Kiss would you like to bestow upon the Universe today?
karma kisses
Jan 06, 2011 07:18
- make your life more like you want it
- trust yourself to get through a difficult time
- merge courteously
- withhold criticism or judgment
- ban all media input from your life (television, radio, newspaper) to help clear your karma
karma kisses
Jan 05, 2011 03:52
- be present: recognize the signs of distraction and gently bring your mind back to the moment
- make a list of things that have been bugging you; change what you can and forget the rest
- wherever you go from here is up to you
- be curious about what is happening in your body
- tell a young person you like what she is wearing
karma kisses