Title: Don't Worry About It
linear_flowerPairing: AJ/Nick
Rating/Warnings: R
Word count: 20,269
"Nice to meet you." Nick extended his hand to a weak, tattooed hand which shook it lightly. AJ eyed him suspiciously since he first appeared in the doorway. He was tall with blue eyes and blonde hair that seemed to spike out every direction it chose, but what caught his attention most was that he had never seen him before. He had been there for a bit over two weeks so he figured he knew every doctor, nurse, and staff member. Just when he thought he had the system figured out, this guy walks in wearing his blue scrubs and his stethoscope around his neck and-wait, did Elaine really refer to him as a nurse? AJ looked at the ID clipped to the pocket of his shirt. Nick Carter, RN, BSN. Definitely a nurse. Even got his Bachelor's in Nursing.
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Master PostLink to art: COMING SHORTLY!
Many thanks to
bubbleforest who has been nothing but a fucking saint of a mod during the past 3 months. I don't think people outside of the challenge realize what a fantastic job she's done. From the bottom of my heart, Mette, thank you for putting this together and thank you for putting up with me.