Enjoying One Moment At a Time

Dec 05, 2008 01:41

Title: Enjoying One Moment At a Time
Author: jstabe
Artist: inahurricane
Pairing: AJ/Nick
Rating: R
Word Count: 22,525
Summary: Post-rehab there are many changes in AJ's life. His relationship with his friends changes with the appearance of a new man in his life.

Direct link to the gorgeous banner made by inahurricane. Thank you so much ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

epicflailer December 5 2008, 08:56:37 UTC
hoooooooooly crap, you don't know how much i want to read this RIGHT NOW. AJ/NICK! THE NEW BOY MAN IN HIS LIFE! (okay, i may have peeked) *resists till my own bb is done*

congratulations on finishing!


beckyo December 5 2008, 14:26:04 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! I ♥ you. I can't wait to read this when I get home this afternoon!!!!


beckyo December 5 2008, 23:51:00 UTC
OMG, this was so, so sooooo wonderful!!!!!


ckanerock December 6 2008, 01:35:20 UTC
Wonderful ending to a fabulous story. YOU DID IT!! *twirls you* Well done!



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