Title: (You've Got) That Pornstar Flava
samibeePairing: Chris-centric, with sides of Chris/AJ; Chris/JC; Chris/Justin; AJ/Brian; Justin/Nick; AJ/Nick; AJ/Justin; Jensen/Jared; David Cook/David Archuleta (I am an equal opportunist) all to varying degrees
Rating: R. ish.
Warnings: This is pretty much a pornstore AU? Only sans the porn.
Word count: ~33,000
Summary: AJ's only been working there a year and a half, give or take, so Chris can see why he doesn't get it. He's still at the stage where porn is shiny and exciting. Thing is, Chris has been a TRANS-PORN employee for almost twice that. After the first twenty thousand tapes, even the weird sex is boring.
Link to fic:
Master Post.
Link to art:
Master Post.
This is coming in just under the wire, I think, and I am so sorry about the late posting. I'd just like to add that even if this story isn't your cup of tea, or the combination of boys isn't quite for you, please, for the love of all that is sparkly, please check out the art. It takes awesome to a whole new level, I promise!