
Oct 05, 2006 12:34

Youmacon is this November, 3rd through the 5th. If you plan on attending and would like to stay those nights as well, please make a note in my comments. Within the next week I'll get us a room or two. So far I know for sure ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ubersaurus October 5 2006, 18:35:06 UTC
I just got myself one, and they're out of two bed rooms. Just a heads up, particularly since rooms are done like next week.


pillow__ October 6 2006, 04:31:07 UTC
I MIGHT be dropping by for a day or something like that, maybe have a few drinks with ya. But I don't think I'll be able to stay....not even sure if I can go at all. The only day I have available to go at all is that friday. I work the rest of the weekend. Oh well, life goes on.


I'd go ryujinhayato October 8 2006, 05:44:36 UTC
I'd love to go with you but I dont have overnight liberty yet and even then it would be stretching it :-( hey you never answer your phone btw and i'm even in your time zone! you aint on the net either, sometimes I could really stand to hear your craziness, it's better than my room/headmates craziness, they're just drunks


Re: I'd go biz0unce October 8 2006, 17:58:26 UTC
lol what time have you been calling me? If it's been during more afternoon time, it's just cuz I've been busy as hell. PS, your job sucks, come to the con anyway ;p


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