Title: Waiting for Hermione
Author: Bizarity
Pairing/Characters: Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slightly unconventional style
Summary: Ron's trying to work up the nerve to do something drastic.
Right. If I don't do this tonight I'm not sure I'll ever do it. So, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it just as soon as -
"Hey, Ron!" Dean's voice shatters my concentration and I stop pacing.
"Hey Dean," I mumble as I look up at him.
"You okay?" I nod, wishing he'd go away. I'm going to have enough awkward conversations today without trying to explain this. "You coming up?" I shake my head and Dean leaves, although I can feel him looking at me. I guess it is a bit weird, my standing around in the empty common room.
…Standing around in the empty common room when it's dark outside and everyone else has gone to bed. Where is she?
Well, of course, I know where she is. She's in the library. I guess the question is 'what is she doing?' She's obviously lost track of time so she's either studying something interesting or she's trying to get her essay perfect.
I can't believe she's still not come in. It's nearly midnight. Shouldn't Madame Pince have thrown her out of the library by now?
I can't stand this. I feel like there's a tornado inside me, ripping up everything and throwing it around. I've never been so nervous. If she doesn't get here soon I'm not going to be able to do it. Why is the clock moving so slowly? I can't wait any more. I've been waiting for six years and it's killing me. The fat lady gave me a really odd look as I walked out and it occurs to me that I should have asked Harry if I could borrow the cloak. It's too late now, I can't turn back.
I'm in the library and I can't see her. Where is she? Oh wait, there she is. Next to the candle, which is throwing light on her face. Her hair looks so wild under the light of the flame. The spell she's casting produces sparkles which look like tiny stars caught in her hair. I've been here for five minutes and I'm still just standing here staring at her. She's so beautiful; I can't help it.
"Ron?" She's noticed me. "What're you doing here?"
"It's late." I clear my throat. "I… I was worried about you." Well, at least that's partly true.
"I'm alright. I'm just going to finish this spell. You should go back." I know I can't go back. If I do I'll never get this done.
"I'll wait." She smiled at me, but it wasn't her usual smile. What does that mean? Is it good or bad? I hate girls. I can never tell what they're thinking. I can tell what Hermione's thinking now, of course, since she's just thinking about school work and spells. I wish I could tell what she thinks when she looks at me. Or what she's thinking when we argue. Or even just what she's thinking when she stares off into space while Harry and I talk about Quidditch.
"Ron? Ron! Are you okay?" How did that happen? She's packed up all her books and she's standing next to me. Her hand's on my shoulder. She can barely even reach - she's so tiny. I wonder what she'd do if I kissed her right now. I can't risk it. Can I?
"Hermione…" Why am I talking? What am I going to say? She's looking at me, waiting for me to continue.
"Hermione, there was another reason I came up here to find you."
"Yes?" Oh, help. What does that look mean? Why did I ever think I'd be able to do this? How am I going to get out of doing this?
"I was waiting for you in the common room. You didn't turn up… so I came up here." I haven't explained myself, have I? I'm not even sure what I'm saying anymore. She's looking at me again. I wish she wouldn't do that; look at me that way. I'm having enough trouble making sense.
"Why were you waiting?"
"I… waiting…" I stop. If I'm going to do this I have to do it right. Well, I have to do it coherently, anyway. I'm not sure I'm up to anything else. "There was something I wanted to say." How have I still not done this? This is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. It's harder than chess. "I… Hermione. Hermione, I really like you." That's enough, isn't it? She's smart, she'll get it.
"What are you saying, Ron?" She's torturing me. No, Hermione wouldn't do that. She doesn't get it. I have to explain. I wish the ground would swallow me up.
"I… Merlin, Hermione. I fancy you." No. I didn't just say that. I was going to be so much smoother. I had it all sorted out. I planned this. Why isn't she saying anything? She hates me. I've ruined everything. If we can't be friends Harry's going to be so upset.
"I'm not like Lavender." I didn't expect that. What do I say to that?
"I know. I never liked Lavender." I don't know what I was doing with Lavender. Do I tell her that? Why is this so hard. All I want to do is kiss her. "I liked you. Have liked you. Long time." I'm blathering. I'm making no sense.
…No. No, I'm kissing her. I'm kissing her and it's real and it feel like more. She's kissing back. Wait, wait! She's kissing back!?
"You like me too?" What did she say? I think she said yes. I don't care. We're kissing again. We're kissing and I never, ever want it to stop.