Short form: The new Star Trek movie is awesome. Before it are some awesome trailers as well (though the GI Joe one seems kind of silly, despite Christopher Eccelston's presence).
Long form needs
A lot of people doubted JJ Abrams ability to make a Star Trek movie. Those people should go eat dirt right now because the man has done to Star Trek what many doubted could be done. Star Trek is most definitly cool again.
Chris Pine is James T Kirk. He's a different James Kirk but he is still Kirk. The story line deals with some wibley woobly timey wimey issues in a very smooth and simple manner, it changes everything -especially Kirk. A Romulan ship came back in time and destroys the USS Kelvin, with it George Kirk. That reshapes Kirk's life thus Chris Pine's Kirk is still the swaggering playboy/serious dude but he has a whole new set of issues fueling it.
The destruction of the USS Kelvin and the incidents that led to it shape the entire story. It changes elements of every character you think you know and you find people in places you don't exect them. Simon Pegg's Scotty (What the hell did Scotty do to Porthos?) and Nimoy's Spock Prime being two great examples.
Zachary Quinto is awesome. I swear the dude can do anything. Sylar is the reason I still watch Heroes and his Spock holds his own against Nimoy's- which is saying a lot. Quinto chews scenery as Sylar in a very interesting way, as Spock he holds back as any Vulcan should- but he's only half Vulcan. Spock's duality is played up more and that's reflected in his relationship with Uhura- which is really interesting.
Everything's different and everything is still the same. Chekov and Sulu are awesome. Karl Urban's Bones is just fantastic. He's dry and gruff and the perfect foil for Kirk. I love the Kobayashi Maru scene, Bones can't really believe whats going on and Kirk's just sitting there eating and apple.
I'm just really jazzed about how awesome it is.
PS. The Beastie Boys will live forever!