THEME #4: Outdoors
It’s summer, and the boys don’t need to worry about climate control, so whether they are sucking, fucking, rimming, playing with toys or just making out is all up to you although a little hairplay thrown into the mix is always highly encouraged, as long as it all takes place outside.
Hello fellow b/j porn enthusiasts, theme #4 has a guest host, me,
happier_bunny is very very busy with
qaf_scavenger (go sign up now!) among other things, but that doesn’t mean she has forgotten about the porn, so I’m filling in this time around.
Signups close Saturday, July 7, 2007 at 4pm EST. However if you get a sudden burst of inspiration and decide to enter later, as long as we have your fic by the due date/time, it’s very very unlikely I’d reject your porn because like bunny, I too am a giant porn whore.
Fics are due by Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 7pm EST. I’ll be gone on Friday night and I’m mad with power so you get an extra day. The due date and time are firm. Submit fics to: @ gmail . com
For anyone new joining us, the rest of the rules can be found
Mini-Challenges: How it's going to work
1. Each theme will last one week. One day for signups and on the 7th day, the fics go up.
2. There will be SPECIFIC cut off times for submissions. These deadlines will be spelled out in each post announcing the mini-challenge.
3. All submissions MUST BE html coded for easy loading. This includes a LJ cut.
4. Please include the following:
5. All submissions need to be emailed to @ gmail . com by the entry deadline.
6. I know I probably don't HAVE to say the following, but the minute I don't someone will try to submit one, so: NO B/M...B/J ONLY...NO MPREG EVER...NO OOC.
7. Please make sure to track your post for comments.
8. The final post for each mini-challenge will include a list of links to all the fics. After 2 days please feel free to post your fic in your LJ but please be kind and include a link to the master link. That will help with spreading the word and cut down on some work for me. thanks!
Please help me make
happier_bunny proud, and sign up! plus I don’t want her to kick my ass if this goes badly, kthnx.