Title: No Rest For The Wicked
Author: Jewels
Fandom: Mass Effect
Disclaimer: Bioware's != mine.
Summary: Liara doesn't get many visitors. But she always has time for one in particular. Post-Arrival DLC, spoilery.
Word Count: 3,313
No Rest For The Wicked
Comments 2
This.... this is romance. It's romance on the right level - tortured hero, but not angsty, because angst is self-indulgence, and Shepard doesn't have the time for that. This is about yearning (or at least, that's my take on it) for companionship, for something soft, something close, trust. Everything Shepard is not afforded by life in general, and his life in particular. And Liara is very well done in this story. Not a pushover, not willing to sacrifice the essence of herself for him, because that's not worthy of either of them.
As always, well done!
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