Title: Everything at Once, Epilogue 2-Arrangements-The Conclusion
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Shotime/Cowlip.
vedaprophet has been indispensable to me during this final process. I cannot thank her enough, but I will find a way.
kinneytay hosts for me and did something for me (which I reveal at a later time) that is quite possibly the sweetest, most amazing thing anyone has ever done for someone whose obsession with their obsession has gotten so clearly out of control. ♥ ♥ ♥ I also want to thank
msjudi and
triciaqaf who've beta'd for me throughout this story and everyone who reads and/or comments.
The bulk of the kudos for this particular chapter, though, goes to two people:
quinn222: Epilogues 1 & 2 would be nothing without her. Although the ideas and words are mine, she took them, all of my requests and re-quests and made them come alive. She made them real. I can't thank her enough. In Epilogue 2, she loaned me her unique brilliance. For those of you who follow
Adventures and
Correspondence, you'll see exactly what I mean.
theonemonaghan (Kacey C.): I'm going to let her contribution to EAO speak for itself because it does. She's the most patient person I've ever worked with and her talent is going to take her far. Here is
Theonemonaghan’s Archive. She can be emailed at connorxmacmanus@aol.com.
Both of these women deserve recognition for their work on EAO. Please let them know!
If you need a refresher course: previous chapters in my
MemoriesStory Status: This epilogue completes EAO. I will be updating
EAO Liner Notes as soon as I can, as well as publishing Author's Notes, a few more deleted scenes, and possibly a bonus epilogue if I can get it to fall into place the way I want it to. This story has been a tremendous experience for me and while I'm thrilled to conclude it, I'm also v. sad to let it go.
I'm leaving on a jet plane
you should hear how she talks about you
your love is king
The end.
Everything at Once-Bonus Epilogue 3-Accomplished-Part 1