Well I snapped a few pictures yesterday, not everyone was there so I don't have everyone's picture as of yet. But here are a few to begin with. As the months go on and on I'm sure that I will have more picture of everyone quite soon.
This is Akshay. He's actually from Malaysia which is kinda funny since I had a friend in Edinboro who was funny and from Malaysia also. They really pump out the funny guys I guess. I like doing scenes with him because he always gives me something to work with. I picked him up yesterday from his house so he wouldn't have to take a cab to our rehearsal. Since I'm driving into Philly, I figured I could just pick him up. No big deal. I always like to share my side comments with Akshay because he doesn't always keep this laughter to himself and everyone looks at him.
This is Brandon. He is from South Jersey and you would believe him right away if you told him. My nicknames for him include Mr. GQ and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. He cracks me up because he's got a very I dunno... Frank Sinatra sorta attitude towards scenes that just makes me laugh my ass off. It's hard to keep a straight face with this guy.
The fella is Mike. Although I've seen him a little less then everyone else, he has a quiet humor to himself that is really funny. Yesterday I fell over laughing when someone asked if that was a birth mark on his face, in which he replied, "No! That's an open lesion!"
This here is Steve. One thing about Steve is that he is ALWAYS well dressed. I mean... always. I'm actually surprised on how well dressed he is. He does a lot of scenes with Brandon that are hilarious. I did a scene with him yesterday that ended up being 5 minutes long when it should have been about 2 minutes. He is very quick witted and usually fires back with whatever I shoot at him. I'm looking forward to having more scenes with him.
This is Sean. He is pretty kewl and is really good in scenes. He says this is his first improv group, but I'm personally pretty impressed with the skills he has. I love doing games with him because I never have to worry about him leaving me out to dry.
That's not the best picture of him, I tried to get one of him and his bike, but he kept pissing me off by moving around.
This here is Kennedy. The great thing about her is that I can always here her. She loud and she projects which makes a scene easier, in my opinion. She also isn't put off but what I say, which can be a bit "What in the hell is BJ saying." She always takes what I say and rolls with it, or throws it back in my face. She's pretty awesome.
And this is just some girl that came off the street to sleep. No wait, I'm thinking of something else. Heh. This is Emily. She is the Managing director and performs with us in the group. She is very awesome. She does a lot of interesting and funny characters and can convey a whole bunch of different emotions on stage. (Personally I think I always end up just playing me.) Plus she is ALWAYS happy to see me. She is extremely talented and I always look forward to doing a scene with her. Like I said... Emily is Awesome.
Now I don't have the picture of the following people:
Ray - The Guy Who Runs The Show
Jess - (Which I should have because she was there yesterday. Geez)
So I'll give you their bios later.
But any who.. time for a funny story that involved this fella:
So after rehearsal we went to Finnegan's Wake, a great Irish Bar in Philly and just down the street to slam back a few drinks. I said we should all go out because it's a great way for everyone to get to know each other. We all shared some laughs, told some stories before some of us had to go to other engagements. So at the end of the night it's Brandon, Sean, and I at the bar and we decide it's time for us to go.
Sean rode his bike as you can see from his pictures and I told Brandon (JTT) that I'd give him a lift to the subway. So they both hit the bathroom and come out. Meanwhile, a bachelorette party was getting into full swing behind us. They had been there fore awhile, but I think the booze I think had started to flow.
Any who, they had this shirt that listed 10 things to do at this party. One of them was to have someone eat a cherry or do something of the bride's neck. So Brandon, Mr. GQ comes out of the bathroom and they call him over to help them out.
He says, "Sure ladies. Here Beej, hold my drink."
So he proceeds to lick this bride to be's neck.
He then starts to drink the bride's mother's drink. Saying, "Damn mom. This drink is stiff!"
Then they ask him for a fake phone number, another requirement on the shirt. The number? 555-DO-ME.
Funny shit. When he was done he stood at the head of the table, took someone else's drink and proposed a toast to the happy bride to be. And then, in typical South Jersey manner, "Alright Ladies. I'm outta her'!"
It was funny as hell. I can't wait to share the pictures heh.