August Quick Update

Sep 01, 2015 00:16

I promised this for a while. With no further ado...

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¶ $DAYJOB has hit its usual summer slow point. with September here, that should change over the next 4-6 weeks. I've even caught up the filing for possibly the first time ever since I've been there.

I've made a couple of cursory job searches over the summer because I'm trying to plan for the future and see if I can still balance work and officiating to some degree (or have to give up the latter unless I start officiating more JV and/or varsity games). Unfortuntely, what used to be my primary site for searching for jobs underwent a redesign that turned it into one of the more user-unfriendly sites I've ever used. I've even started using a site an acquaintance suggested years ago.

We'll see what the short- and long-term future holds.

¶ A full sports update would probably bore most of you to tears. I'll use bullet points instead to highlight the important events.
  • I hope to start my fourth season officiating basketball this fall. I'm looking forward to this season as I've already received some games for the winter already.
  • I've once again decided to track some local high school scores. Recently, I've been using HTML 5 for the new web pages and it seems to make it easier to have mobile-friendly pages. Over the weekend, I taught myself some basic PHP coding via online tutorials. What's that do? It allows for scripting on web pages. I now have one web page that can display one of any three speficied data files. It will help me a lot in terms of simplyifying and reducing time spent mainintaing individual web pages now that I'll need fewer of them. I admit I had fun doing this over the weekend.
¶ My fan fiction writing has been touch and go lately. However, I have two stories waiting to be posted this fall. I'm hoping to have a couple ready for early next year, too.

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officiating, sports, weekly, accounting

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