Known as: Becca, REbecca, and BK
Lives in: 454#3 in 2 days, bitches!
Birthday: 11/21/84
Shoe size: 10
Hair color: blonde AND brown
Eye color: Green
* section 2 - have you ever... *
Cheated on someone?: Absolutely not.
Been Cheated on?: Of course, isn't that how it works?
Fallen off the bed?: Yeah, tons of times- when I was younger. Nothing lately though... that I can recall
Broken someones heart?: Yes - but DEFINITELY not lately.
Had your heart broken?: Yeah
Had a dream come true?: A couple times last summer
Done something you regret?: definitely not
* section 3 - currently *
Wearing: Northwood shorts and my NEW Aero hooded sweatshirt - it's fricken cold outside and the windows are open!
Listening to?: Kelly Clarkson
Chatting with? WEAVER
should REALLY be doing?: Cleaning and packing
* section 4 - do you... *
Brush your teeth? At LEAST twice a day - if not three
Have any piercings?: nah
Drive?: Yeah
Drink?: OCCASIONALLY... 3 times in my whole life
Smoke? hells nah
* section 5 - the last person you... *
Hugged?: ummm Sharon
Kissed?: Jason
yelled at?: Thomas... poor kid
* section 6 - personal *
What do you want to be when you grow up?: A 4th grade teacher
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: no/no/not really
Did you lose someone you really loved?: Oh yeah... a few times this year... it sucks.
How many times have you fallen in love?: Twice
* section 7 - favorite at the moment*
Movie: Million Dollar Baby
Store: Hollister AND American Eagle
Relative: Thomas (seriously)
Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Fruit: Grapes and Oranges
Candy: Gobstoppers
Color: Green
* section 8 - do you *
Like to walk in the rain?: Yes - that falls under the dream come true category too... it's fun.
Like to travel?: yes - but safely
Have a goldfish?: No, but I have ONE betta - named Axel... RIP Amega...
*section 9 - what do you think about... *
Smoking: I think it's disgusting, and I don't know why ANYONE, knowing what it does to you, would start smoking NOW... sick.
Eating disorders: I think that it's something real, that needs to be handled by the person and their friends in the most IMMATURE way possible sometimes... like making fun of it. It's better than looking it up on google and talking about how awful it is.
Summer: I think I prefer fall and spring now.
* section 10 - this or that *
Pierced nose or tongue? Nose
Pierced eyebrow or lip? Eyebrow
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? OH - Dawson for SURE - my Freshman year obsession...
Sugar or salt? Salt
Silver or gold? Silver
Chocolate or flowers? Flowers - Lillies... please!
Color or Black-and-white photos? Black and White MOST definitely
Stay up late or sleep: Stay up late.
Hot or cold?: hot!
Mustard or ketchup?: Mustard.
Wonder or amazement?: Wonder
Mexican or Italian: Mexican
Candy or Soda?: DIET soda - yeaaaaaaaaaah
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke ZEROOOOO