Title: Mate-Clothes
Pairing: OC: Shaydren x Natrian
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: Drabble
Rating: PG
A/N: More reactions to the tumblr prompt post I made! This stars my Original Character, Shaydren, and the sexy OC of my darling
myeyeswillclose interacting in a world that I designed. If you read, I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own the world they're playing in, and Shaydren technically but as soon as his mate does claim him, all bets are off.
Warning: This is a completely original work starring an original character and an OC that I borrow the presence of with full permission. They are ours, please no touchy.
Shaydren found himself frowning at his reflection in the glass, turning and turning again as he attempted to see from all angles; though there wasn’t much to see, as far as cloth was concerned, the expanse of muscle-toned skin was -hopefully- impressive.
A sharp intake of breath from the doorway made his heart stop and then gallop when Natrian’s voice reached his ears, “Tell me you’re wearing that for me, Shay.”
The elf turned, bowing carefully “Only if it pleases you.”
So it turns out, Shay isn't the only one terrified he's going to be rejected. Right now, we're both sick with fear. Who knew, right?