Fairytale Drabbles

Oct 25, 2012 10:18

Adrien doesn't have siblings. It's odd, really - Fitzgeralds in general are expected to have both a heir and a spare. It puzzles him as he's growing up, learning of the history of the family, the determination of his ancestors to have two children, just in case.

When he becomes a teenager, he starts to understand. His aunt Sophia was the oldest on his father's side - this, Adrien knew for sure. At least, she had been the oldest before she died. And Raoul - his cousin Raoul is her only child. Bloody perfect Raoul Fitzgerald.

His parents point at him, then at their son, whisper enviously, and Aunt Valerie struts everywhere she walks with a smirk on her face. The same smirk that tugs at her lips when she pinches Adrien's cheeks, coos over his height, makes sly remarks about his inadequacies.

It isn't a loss when Adrien leaves. He doesn't understand that for a while. But it isn't a loss. His parents had given up the fight years ago. Raoul grows up into the heir Adrien should have been, and Raoul becomes the handsome charmer who still deserves to be in the family, and Raoul is perfect, with that same sly smirk that his stepmother wears so frequently.

Adrien wouldn't give up his imperfection for the world.


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