1. When and how did we meet? 7th grade I think... 2. What was your impression of me before we met? I don't remember, I think I was intimidated. 3. What is your opinion of me now? I love you so muches 4. When is my birthday? Dec. 1 1988 5. Name one thing about me that annoys you. You think that you are ugly 6. Name one thing about me that you love. You are amazing and your always there for me. 7. Would you visit me if i was sick? Yes of course 8. Would you ever hug me? Yes! 9. Would you kiss me? Umm...I don't exactly go that way, on the cheek sure! 10. What would you do if i kissed you? Be very surprised. 11. Would you date me? Uh... 12. Would you hold my hand? Sure 13. What would you do if i held your hand? Hold it back 14. Do you love me? Yes of course 15. If there's anything you ever wanted to say to me, but couldnt, heres your chance. We are having a girl!
1. beach with ur cuz 2. i never knew u before we met 3. totally hot. emorific 4. dec 1st 5. i know you too well to hook up 6. eyes, hair 7. yeah 8. yes 9. lol.... dont tell kara but yea 10. get a boner. lol jk. 11. if i didnt know u so well, and idk. maybe 12. yup 13. put it down my pants. haha NOT sorry hoe bag. id hold it 14. in a way 15. deni ur name reminds me of denny the dinosaur
Comments 9
2. What was your impression of me before we met? I don't remember, I think I was intimidated.
3. What is your opinion of me now? I love you so muches
4. When is my birthday? Dec. 1 1988
5. Name one thing about me that annoys you. You think that you are ugly
6. Name one thing about me that you love. You are amazing and your always there for me.
7. Would you visit me if i was sick? Yes of course
8. Would you ever hug me? Yes!
9. Would you kiss me? Umm...I don't exactly go that way, on the cheek sure!
10. What would you do if i kissed you? Be very surprised.
11. Would you date me? Uh...
12. Would you hold my hand? Sure
13. What would you do if i held your hand? Hold it back
14. Do you love me? Yes of course
15. If there's anything you ever wanted to say to me, but couldnt, heres your chance. We are having a girl!
2. i never knew u before we met
3. totally hot. emorific
4. dec 1st
5. i know you too well to hook up
6. eyes, hair
7. yeah
8. yes
9. lol.... dont tell kara but yea
10. get a boner. lol jk.
11. if i didnt know u so well, and idk. maybe
12. yup
13. put it down my pants. haha NOT sorry hoe bag. id hold it
14. in a way
15. deni ur name reminds me of denny the dinosaur
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